Ambient Rhythm is updated on Tuesday and Friday

Yesterday, Pixel found out what happens when she picks fights with cats twice her weight (and most cats are at least twice her weight). We heard yowling last night, and I opened the door; she came in all hunched, did something unpleasant on the carpet and limped off to hide. We tried to look at her without scaring her and saw something dark and shiny wet on her coat - assuming the worst, and given that she was limping, we phoned the emergency vet and made an immediate appointment.

While trying to get her out of her hiding place, the shiny wet thing was revealed to in fact be a slug.

For all that, she was limping and in pain, and we spent a merry hour at the emergency vets with her hissing and swearing while he checked her over. He found another slug, securely wrapped in tangles of her long fur (she clearly has odd hobbies), a nasty-looking but superficial bite, and no real explanation for why she was limping. So she's dosed up on antibiotics and painkillers, and she's blinking sleepily in the corner while we rearrange our work schedules so we can, between us, get her to the vet tomorrow.

Stupid cat.


On a totally different hand, here's a picture I did for Nattherat as a birthday gift - it's Khern, one of her characters :)

- Sun Kitten, 12th September '08

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