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I was inspired by AlexChurchill 's Magic card generator. So I decided to make a Lorwyn Card Name Generator. When completed you will get a Name that could be on a Lorwyn card.

Click BNF: GigaClon/LorwynCardNameGenerator for Names!

Cool - congratulations! Incidentally, if you want to debug a generation, you can do that by taking the URL and tagging "&debug=1" on the end. If you want to debug one particular buggy generation, look at the HTML source to find its "Seed", then go to the URL with "&debug=1&seed=12345", where 12345 is your seed number.
Now, the next thing to do is teach it the distinction between adjectives and nouns... and perhaps choose name-parts from a single race rather than mixed up (although the mixed-up ones can be quite fun too. Nice stuff! --AC

Reworking complete. Thread on the official MTG forums http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=970041 --GigaClon

Notable Names

Shenanigans of the Flame-kin
Spidermeadow - can it swing from a web? No it can't, it's a meadow.
Blinddrinker - obviously a boggart who's known for imbibing a bit too much ;)

Windbrisk Notions
AEtherback, Scion Isle
Burrenton, the Mystic's Neck
Garruk, the Veteran Wanderer
Hoarder's Purity
Purity of the Temptation
Searsharer of Burrenton
Lammas, Triclopean Poplar

option ::= spaces = 0
option ::= debug = 0

bnf ::= root newline root newline root newline root newline root
root ::= one | two | three | four | five

One word names

one ::= mixedcompound

Two word names

two ::= twonoun | twoposs | twoadj | twoverb | tworace | twoplace
twonoun ::= wordgen " " wordgen
twoposs ::= noun "'s " wordgen | noun "'s " wordgen | propername "'s " wordgen
twoadj ::= adjective " " wordgen
twoverb ::= verb " " wordgen | wordgen " " verb2 "er" | verb2 "ing " wordgen | verb2 "ed " wordgen | wordgen " " verb2 "ing"
tworace ::= raceprefix " " wordgen | compound " " racesuffix
twoplace ::= placename " " wordgen

Three word names

three ::= threeof | threeof | threerare
threeof ::= wordgen " of " wordgen | wordgen " of " placename | wordgen " of " propername | verb2 "er of " propername
threerare ::= adjective " " adjective " " wordgen | verb " the " wordgen | verb " with " compound | noun " and " noun

Four word names

four ::= noun " of the " racesuffix | wordgen " of the " racesuffix | wordgen " of the " wordgen | root

Proper names

five ::= root | propernames
propernames ::= namecompound | propername ", " two | propername " the " wordgen | propername " of the " wordgen | propername ", " threeof | propername ", the " two
namecompound ::= propernames | propername " " compound

Misc utilities

newline ::= "
compound ::= mixedcompound | straightcompound
mixedcompound ::= firstcompound lastcompound
wordgen ::= noun | noun | compound


adjective ::= Veteran | Ghostly | Lowland | Herbal | Familiar | Changeling | Forced | Hollow | Incremental | Black | Secluded | Immaculate | Incandescent | Incendiary | Timber | Sunrise | Dolmen | Dauntless | Consuming | Aquitect | Cryptic | Daredevil | Ethereal | Exiled | Fair | Soaring | Entangling | Epic | Shimmering | Gilt | Final | Sylvan | Skeletal | Thieving | Spring | Triclopean | Wizened | Woodland | Zephyr | Vivid | Imperious | Wild | Mad | Nameless | Oaken | Poplar | Mighty | Mystic | Ceaseless | Primal | Scarred | Twinning | Plover | Profane | Protective | Runed | Fertile | Current | Broken | Auntie | Avian | Ambitious  | Caterwauling | Captivating | Austere | Biting | Masked | Amoeboid | Elite | Ancient | Ash | Adept

noun ::= Angler | Whirlpool | Prerogative | Proportions | Promenade | Archers | Protector | Scars | Plans | Pitcher | Balloonist | Pranksters | Poultice | Witch | Pollen | Surge | Berserker | Revels | Heir | Will | Rite | Rings | Ring | Magistrate | Prowess | Shenanigans | Arbiter | Rebellion | Rascal | Ranger | Gale | Prophets | Buffoon | Mirror | Sower | Stag | Oaf | Mystic | Marsh | Mannequin | Prowler | Grotto | Meadow | Mastery | Battle | Mask | Oblivion | Witches | Oak | Pilgrim | Warren | Perfect | Palace | Harasser | Needle | Nectar | Neck | Nova | Notions | Adept | Spitfire | Tauntings | Lace | Net | Poplar | Hollow | Sneak | Hoodlums | Temptation | Ash | Stinger | Stalwart | Stalactite | Growth | Ambush | Stroke | Pride | Inversion | Urn | Underfoot | River | Ambitions | Vigor | Familiar | Sprite | Dread | Cleaning | Thorn | Twig | Trio | Warrior | Tra | Sentinels | Trickery | Secrets | Eyes | Commerce | Admirers | Shaman | Siege | Apothecary | Eulogist | Ruse | Aquitects | Scion | Cairn | Scattering | Mob | Nightshade | Out | Sovereign | Chaser | Amethyst | Tower | Wings | Winnower | Sight | Sentry | Wisent | Sniper | Amoeba | Crib | Skirmisher | Mage | Entity | Force | Seer | Fistful | Brawler | Gate | Fruition | Hovel | Strangle | Bubble | Dodger | Forager | Fodder | Ground | Wanderer | Guardian | Tar | Grove | Glen | Harbinger | Glass | Amphitheater | Guidance | Nap | Militia | Giant | Flitter | Acolyte | Greed | Goliath | Cenn | Changeling | Spring | Down | Douser | Depths | Divers | Command | Bonfire | Clique | Currents | Hero | Crag | Chewer | Leaf | Extract | Erasure | Echoes | Feast | Fathom | Harrier | Judge | Drum | Drowner | Titan | School | Ending | Creek | Purity | Hunt | Hub | Pilferers | Blades | Igniter | Horde | Shields | Hope | Hunter | Hostility | Hornet | Bridge | Ricochet | Knoll | Lullaby | Gilder | Loggers | Isle | Ire | Birth | Knights | Knight | Ingot | Weed | Bog | Guile | Elixir | Heat | Heights | Hoarder | Reejerey | Vanquisher | Healer | Ego | Blight

verb ::= Clean | Ricochet | Down | Gild | Lash | Dive | Lace | Trawl | Bridge | Drown | Trap | Prowl | Chew | Drop | Fathom | Creek | Birth | Scar | Drum | Lignify | Ponder | Guide | Winnow | Whelm | Mirror | Harpoon | Wander | Flit | Force | Weave | Battle | Tar | Sow | Glance | Heal | Pilfer | Scatter | Ring | Hunt | Favor | Shimmer | Wisen | Hope | Horde | Sneak | Command | Forage | Hoard | Ignite | Admire | Log | Brawl | Taunt | Protect | Crush | Heat | Ground | Snap | Summon | Bubble | Extract | Ambush | Launch | Mob | Swap

verb2 ::= Clean | Ricochet | Down | Gild | Lash | Div | Lac | Trawl | Bridg | Drown | Trap | Prowl | Chew | Drop | Fathom | Creek | Birth | Scar | Drum | Lignif | Ponder | Guid | Winnow | Whelm | Mirror | Harpoon | Wander | Flit | Forc | Weave | Battl | Tar | Sow | Glanc | Heal | Pilfer | Scatter | Ring | Hunt | Favor | Shimmer | Wisen | Sneak | Command | Forag | Hoard | Ignit | Admir | Logg | Brawl | Taunt | Protect | Crush | Heat | Ground | Snap | Summon | Bubbl | Extract | Ambush | Launch | Mobb | Swap

straightcompound ::= Fallowsage | Inkfathom | Mudbutton | Streambed | Forge-Tender | Jagged-Scar | Inner-Flame | Rootgrapple | Stinkdrinker | Spellstutter | Spiderwig | Stonybrook | Daggerdare | Eyeblight | Springjack | Soulbright | Hamletback | Deeptread | Seedguide | Thousand-Year | Goldmeadow | Thorntooth | Thoughtseize | Moonglove | Dourbark | Dreamspoiler | Tarfire | Briarhorn | Deathrender | Knucklebone | Axegrinder | Goldmane | Gilt-Leaf | Dawnfluke | Thoughtweft | Glarewielder | Hillcomber | Huntmaster | Springleaf | Lairwatch | Scarblade | Lammastide | Handservant | Searblades | Greatheart | Ringskipper | Packmaster | Glimmerdust | Hurly-Burly | Peppersmoke | Smokebraider | Faultgrinder | Facevaulter | Footbottom | Soulstoke | Hoofprints | Galepowder | Shapesharer | Shelldock | Silvergill | Windbrisk | Stoutarm | Warren-Scourge | Bladewhirl | Blind-Spot | Spinerock | Mourncaller | Surgespanner | Wanderwine | Bog-Strider | Makeshift | Battlewand | Brighthearth | Knollridge | Vinebreeder | Branchbender | Adder-Staff | Wispmare | Mournwhelk | Nettlevine | Cloudcrown | Mulldrifter | Mosswort | Oakgnarl | Wellgabber | Meadowgrain | Benthicore | Mistbind | Goatnapper | Whiskergill | Sprite-Chaser | Tideshaper | Cloudthresher | Wildspeaker | Turtleshell | Hearthcage | AEthersnipe | Pestermite | Paperfin | Howltooth | Shriekmaw | Thundercloud | Torchrunner | Cloudgoat | Cloverdell | Fire-Belly | Quill-Slinger

firstcompound ::= Fallow | Ink | Mud | Stream | Forge | Jagged | Inner | Root | Stink | Spell | Spider | Stony | Dagger | Eye | Spring | Soul | Hamlet | Deep | Seed | Thousand | Gold | Thorn | Thought | Moon | Dour | Dream | Tar | Briar | Death | Knuckle | Axe | Gold | Gilt | Dawn | Thought | Glare | Hill | Hunt | Spring | Lair | Scar | Lammas | Hand | Sear | Great | Ring | Pack | Glimmer | Hurly | Pepper | Smoke | Fault | Face | Foot | Soul | Hoof | Gale | Shape | Shell | Silver | Wind | Stout | Warren | Blade | Blind | Spine | Mourn | Surge | Wander | Bog | Make | Battle | Bright | Knoll | Vine | Branch | Adder | Wisp | Mourn | Nettle | Cloud | Mull | Moss | Oak | Well | Meadow | Benthi | Mist | Goat | Whisker | Sprite | Tide | Cloud | Wild | Turtle | Hearth | AEther | Pester | Paper | Howl | Shriek | Thunder | Torch | Cloud | Clover | Fire | Quill

lastcompound ::= sage | fathom | button | bed | -Tender | Scar | -Flame | grapple | drinker | stutter | wig | brook | dare | blight | jack | bright | back | tread | guide | -Year | meadow | tooth | seize | glove | bark | spoiler | fire | horn | render | bone | grinder | mane | -Leaf | fluke | weft | wielder | comber | master | leaf | watch | blade | tide | servant | blades | heart | skipper | master | dust | -Burly | smoke | braider | grinder | vaulter | bottom | stoke | prints | powder | sharer | dock | gill | brisk | arm | -Scourge | whirl | -Spot | rock | caller | spanner | wine | -Strider | shift | wand | hearth | ridge | breeder | bender | -Staff | mare | whelk | vine | crown | drifter | wort | gnarl | gabber | grain | core | bind | napper | gill | -Chaser | shaper | thresher | speaker | shell | cage | snipe | mite | fin | tooth | maw | cloud | runner | goat | dell | -Belly | Slinger

propername ::= Ashling | Nalaar | Vess | Wydwen | Teeg | Garruk | Liliana | Chandra | Colfenor | Brigid | Jace | Oona | Sygg | Nath | Doran | Beleren | Gaddock | Brion | Ajani | Wort | Bosk | Lammas | Lammastide | Maralen | Rhys | Griffid | Vendilion | Vessa | Ilona | Endry | Kiel | Rosheen

placename ::= Goldmeadow | Cloverdell | Meadowgrain | Knollridge | Wanderwine | Footbottom  | Gilt-Leaf | Goldmeadow | Stonybrook | Stinkdrinker | Mudbutton | Kinsbaile | "Velis Vel" | "Lys Alana" | "Glen Elendra" | "Wren's Run" | Burrenton | "Squeaking Pie" | Silvergill | Inkfathom | Bosk | Mornsong

raceprefix ::= Elvish | Treefolk | Merrows | Flame-kin | Giant | Kithkin | Fairie | Boggart
racesuffix ::= raceplural | racesingular
raceplural ::= Elves | Treefolk | Merrows | Flame-kin | Giants | Kithkin | Fairies | Boggart
racesingular ::= Elf | Treefolk | Merrow | Flame-kin | Giant | Kithkin | Fairie | Boggart

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Last edited March 22, 2008 8:20 pm (viewing revision 35, which is the newest) (diff)