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Easter Sunday 31.3.02

acr33: Bad things are afoot.
- gaec2: Feet are bad things.
- acr33: I stand by all previous statements...

vic: I can hear the pudding, sing-ing to me...

vic: How would you make a fan out of thick custard ?
- gaec2: Now that's a good engineering exercise..

Sat 30.3.02

susy: Ant is a compulsive nibbler. Sorry, that makes him sound like a goat!
- acr33: I actually have the same tendency...

Image: 46 harry: The chances of me becoming anorexic are slim-to-nothing

Fri 29.3.02

ant66: Who cares about ethics when it's scones and cream!

susy: I am a cup of tea. I am not a cup of tea!

susy: I've just appointed a new nought-point-five person to work with us

susy [in her 3rd year of lecturing]: Sorry, I'm getting so cynical, the longer I stay at university...
- acr33 [in her 3rd year of a degree]: Yes, I find that too!

acr33 to ant66: Do you have a secret teaspoon collage under your bed?

vic: Bring on the dancing croissants!

Thu 28.3.02 (Spring Harvest Day 6)

vic: Peripatetic Counselling Psychology course, located in a winnebago at Rownhams Services...
- ant66: I love the idea of a group of [nomadic psychology lecturers], who wander the open plains teaching psychology to buffalo!

harry: Julia's gone in the space where the cupboards used to be

Wed 27.3.02 (Spring Harvest Day 5)

rjh61: Go on and kneel down properly like a proper kneeler so that I can kneel on you

rjh61: Being dead's quite a good contraceptive, actually, Alex. Works for me...

gaec2: Writing with your own saliva on a wall. That activity you enter into so frequently, Zoë?
- zcl21: Only when Mike's around...

Image: 46 awr25: I've never driven over Michael Jackson
- rjh61: Well I've never licked the M1...

pjs35 [deliberate, singing]: I am the one and only, I am a wooden spoon...

mpj23: But you're not an advanced alien civilisation.
- zcl21 [indignantly]: Yes I am!  Anna's from Zig and I'm from Zog, didn't you know?

Tue 26.3.02 (Spring Harvest Day 4)

gaec2: The time is - bleeeeuuu-eeegggggheheheghh!
- mag32: That shouldn't go in the phone, Alex - it's the kind of thing you always say!
- acr33: But that shouldn't go in the phone either - it's the kind of thing Morag always says...

gaec2: [sings]  I've wandered into the room where I've been told I have to sing

rjh61 to acr33: I was just being Christian, I wasn't being patronising!

gaec2 to mpj23 [handing the phone]: Observe quoticles!

mpj23: They wouldn't necessarily think of looking for him on the end of the telephone

[misheard by mpj23] awr25: My Belly has spoken at StAG [an Anglican church] :before

[misheard by awr25] sl236: star bhaji star... star get shoes star
[Actually, he said *barge in* *get shoes*. Which makes a little more sense.]

peter: The central theme couldn't be faulted... "You need Jesus"...
- lej26: It's a bit like stewed apple, isn't it?
- awr25: Does this mean Jesus is stewed or Jesus is an apple?

Mon 25.3.02 (Spring Harvest Day 3)

sl236: Isn't a statue just an engraved image where they went a bit overboard with the chisel?

I dream of Dogs, I dream of Beasts
Nightmare things with bulging eyes
Claws dig at my wings; like a fallen angel
I clumsily drop from a broken sky

I've forgotten the fall; I remember only
The dull, final impact on icy-cold stone
How could I have reached those heights where lonely
Angels fly - to so cruelly fall?

I tried to fill life with justice and kindness
And felt neither doubt nor fear at all
As far below me, shrouded in darkness
Crowds gathered to watch an angel fall:

Straight back down to the place we left in hope of finding new life
Straight back down to the place I gazed from with greed and envy at the heights
Straight back down..

And their open mouths catch wind-swept dust:
Maybe sweet white manna, or cold white snow
Or possibly feathers, floating past
After one who has fallen as angels fall

mag32 to acr33: You may not have sexual bits, as an Anglican, but I do, because I'm a Baptist!

mpj23: Morag at least shall have to move, or I shall go to bed on her feet

rjh61: [instead of "ladies first"]  Feminists last!

sl236: You can't go from a transcendental number to a tube station!

rjh61: Americans aren't a race...they're a bunch of wallies!

awr25: How do you fit a 3-D sandwich into a 2-D teddy?

rjh61: I've had horrible nuclear wars with Gandhi!

gaec2: Alan is not inexperienced with food

gaec2: You're looking like you're waiting to go somewhere, Alan
- acr33: Well, no. Actually, you're looking like you're standing there holding a banana

Sun 24.3.02 (Spring Harvest Day 2)

mpj23: Raise your eyebrows for charity!

mpj23: Rights for fluffy stuffed rabbits!

Image: 46 mag32: Mike, I sometimes think you exist purely to say "Quote" to Alex at sadistic times

awr25: Are you trying to record underwater quotes, Alex?

acr33: Don't forget your underwear, Morag, cause I always do that!

sl236: I really find this fascination with Mike's swimming trunks somewhat worrying

mpj23: "I will go and hear Bible teaching solely on the grounds that everybody remember their quotes so that Nokky doesn't miss out"

mag32: Heretical, useful and pretty
- acr33: Yes, we say that about our vicar too!

rjh61: Why didn't we just follow Noddy's elbows?

mpj23 to peter: You can say "Rich" and flail a tea-towel at the same time? That's impressive!

acr33: We're trying to keep this area tidy by shoving everything in this corner

Sat 23.3.02 (Spring Harvest Day 1)

lej26: I like the fact that Jesus was a black woman

lej26: I like my family - they do not make me exhausted and weary, except for sometimes

lej26: Haven't you ever been on the toilet and done a really large cowpat and felt really calm?
- zcl21: You may do cow-pats, Lucy, but Alex is male and human...

mag32: Are Giant Squid responsible?
- gaec2: My answer has to be yes!

mpj23: The 1980s, well I can't remember them being very animated, but that's probably because I just wasn't paying attention

mpj23: If it can be boiled, it's not hostile?

gaec2: Hello Rich. I'm standing over you. Clutching an orange.
- rjh61: I have nightmares like that...

awr25: I'll sleep with anyone

gaec2: Oh my goodness!
- acr33: What?
- gaec2: The pink and white paint.
- acr33: What pink and white paint - oh my goodness!

acr33: You'll have to tell me when to stop driving, or else I'll just drive off the edge of the world and be hooked by the toenail of a giant turtle

gaec2: Some people can do very clever things with string that nobody else can do

Fri 22.3.02

gaec2: Blackcurrant flavoured, heart-shaped goo...

awr25: Infinitely nested bean-bags...

Image: 46 gaec2: You're the one who needs to sleep more than me
- acr33: Yeah. Never mind, it only happens once a term.

acr33: Ohhh, I wish I could do physics as a result of having a long fourth finger!

Thu 21.3.02

awr25: Don't worry about being complicated; you drink tea so it is expected...

Wed 20.3.02

adr26: It is with great dismay that I reveal to the world that CompScis are in fact occasionally up before 9am and need to eat breakfast, the same as normal human beings.

mag32: I can't follow two conversations at once. The mattress one was quite entertaining.

sl236: If you're going to make a computer interface, make a computer interface. If you're going to make a rubber woman, make a rubber woman. Don't mix the two!

jsn23: I remember trying to kill Serge a few times
- sl236: It usually failed.
[Only "usually", Serge?!?]

Tue 19.3.02

mpn: I have a dorsal fin.

mpj23: Dying hurts my shoulder!

acr33: I'm not putting my wife on display for all to see! She's not a trophy wife, you know!

mpj23: Alex, where did you buy your Nagi phrasebook?!
- gaec2: From Dungeon Keeper Two...

+gaec2: Milan, your name is not Milan - [in sudden realisation] oh, yes it is...

mpj23: I am being picked up and stuffed bodily into the computer.
[Alex reaches for the quotes machine] ...And into the Nokia, I see...

Mon 18.3.02

mpj23: Alex, you should stop sellotaping your girlfriend's legs together.

sl236: You're sounding very... Ecclesiastes-like...
- acr33: I've probably had too much to drink.

akh23: I don't think you should be intimidated - I'm terrified...

jsn23: Okay, thanks to my right hand I'm a bloke.

acr33: Well we'll just stay in and eat chocolate penises by ourselves then!

jsn23: Corking, ironically, means oxidising the wine, not dropping a cork in it

acr33: Excuse me...  she says reaching over somebody who doesn't exist.

jmdp2: That is a serious mushroom. To the extent that I thought it was a pizza.

gaec2: My noise was deliberately chosen to avoid syllables that can... be... quo...ted...

Sun 17.3.02

lej26: "I lost my virginity to a mannekin"

acr33: If [Morag] gets her hands on broccoli...?
- lej26: She *will* show it to you. And *then* you will understand.

gaec2: Heat is fish and fish is work...

zcl21: PS: My spelling hasn't improved. Have some Swedish letters in recompense.

Sat 16.3.02

mpj23: I'm farming for chalk in the middle of the Bristol Channel!
[He was talking about the LondonUnderground stop "Chalk Farm" in an accent half-way between "South-Western farmer" and Welsh. See, it does make sense... sortof...]

mpj23: I know that we're the same person, Alex, but getting us confused is really stupid!

mpj23: I am a flibbling phoning idiot, and proud of it!

gaec2: I'm sitting in a room full of Darth Vaders!!

lej26: Can me and Pile have a little Serge next to me?

lej26: There's hundreds of bodies in the 6 Adams garden. There's about three of mine...

Image: 46 lej26: So if you see Alex wandering round with his T-shirt over his head, Jenny, you'll know it's perfectly normal

gaec2: Yes, the entire world is in fact focused on trousers...

Fri 15.3.02

sdm29: How do you get any work done if you don't have exams at the end of it?

[misheard by mjcp2] jrg31: What colour is my dream before they put colouring in?
[Actually: What colour is margarine...]

sophie: Lucy used to steal from the bank...
- lej26: Well, that's what they're there for!

Thu 14.3.02

Image: 46 dgs26: Anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about should try encasing themselves in www. and .com

zuza: Oh, my drink's disappeared
- andrew: It hasn't disappeared, you just drank it!

andrew: If you asked me now, I couldn't tell you the texture of a jellybaby in 1955

gaec2: As an 8-year-old, I wasn't particularly looking for university-level material

lej26: I wasn't listening to the first half of your sentence. I was choosing to ignore it. Why do I always have to spell out my hermeneutical assumptions to everybody?

ads45: I got an email from my supervision partner and he signed it Elrond the Duck. Which was faintly alarming. I was more alarmed that I had a supervision in ten minutes, though, and I hadn't done any work for it

aks27: Call me whatever you like, as long as it's not Fred
- ads45: Okay. So if you can do that, then, Hezekiah...

[D aethd2] gaec2: Angela [Ditchfield]'s good at contacting people
- [knowing grins run round the room]

ads45: Only in Cambridge is May in June. And I don't think June means May.

Wed 13.3.02

rja29: But what shell script will you replace me with, Serge?

dave: He wanted a girlfriend. He got a kettle.

Tue 12.3.02

Image: 46  a sysadmin: OK, so the sysadmin notion of "early in the morning" may not be the conventional one...

gaec2: But my ears aren't made... of... almonds...

sdm29: What were you doing in Alaska with yellow plastic on?

jrg31: I'm going to try beating my head against this horse!

sdm29: He is knee-deep in a scanner protocol?!

gaec2: I think I'd get on with this guy - he puts quotable quotes in his cereal
- mpj23: Quote!

sdm29: You always want Australia, even if you don't want Australia

aig20: Gingerbread people of indeterminate gender! Gingerbread androgynes...

Mon 11.3.02

pjs35 [with kettle and teabag in hand, and not being sarcastic]: Now how do I make tea?

Image: 46 jrg31: My pillow went away!
- sdm29: Well you moved off it, so it moved...
- jrg31: Well that's not a very well-trained pillow, is it?

Sun 10.3.02

sdm29: Anywhere with more than 100 people per washing machine is silly

jrg31: I'm feeling very attacked... I'm being told I have an infertile stomach and soil in my head!

[misheard by mjcp2] sdm29: If you eat apple pips then cheese grows out of your head
[Actually: trees grow out of your head]

dah43: *gasps* Oh! ... I was just thinking "Where's my bike lock?", but then I realised it's on my bike...

ads45: "If everyone lived in America, the world would be fine"

ads45: Me and my brother periodically write Shakespeare plays

ads45: The Trinity is a power series

[misheard by sdm29] jrg31: I saw some heads in the library today
[Actually: I saw Heather in the library]

Sat 9.3.02

mjcp2: You thought you were an egg?
- gaec2: Just because I thought I was white and yellow doesn't mean I thought I was an egg.

nok16: Broccoli~nyo! Gureitu Biggu Buroccoli~nyo!

Image: 46 jsn23: You can't eat me - you've got a plate in front of you!
- awr25: Why not?
- jsn23: I *hope* you can't eat me, you've got a plate in front of you...
- mpj23: What's this - "proof by hope"? "Proof by wishful thinking"?

jsn23: We're whacking each other with sausages. This is bad.

mpj23: I'm not black gloopy stuff that I made in a Chemistry experiment

Image: 46 mpj23: Pittabread becomes a deadly weapon in Nagi's hands!
- aig20: *Anything* is a deadly weapon in Nagi's hands!
- pjs35: Is Nagi a deadly weapon in his own hands?

mpj23 to pjs35: You don't have to apologise when I, in my idiocy, elbow your glass of apple juice!

gaec2: Once a userid, always a userid...

aig20: Where you'd put a handle on a cherry beggars belief...

sl236: Right. The entire world is in fact running in Perl...

Image: 46 acr33: How old are you?
- jsn23: 23.
- acr33: Is that all?
- jsn23: What, you expect me to be 50?
- acr33: Yes!
- jsn23: Well, give me 25 years - then I'll be closer...

sl236: Cambridge. Anywhere else you get pictures of genitals on the board. Here you get scalar products...

Thu 7.3.02

andrew: Men are women. Just slightly different.

awr25: The only way I know of making people hurry up is to either badger them or eat them

gaec2: An infinite amount of Squirrels that think they're Earthworms...

Image: 46 Image: 46  mtf22: Not that I'm saying Switzerland is like a cauliflower, but that's just one of those slight approximations which physicists make all the time

Wed 6.3.02

james: Is a pinball flipper a conventional definition of floating?

james: I've never been offered ridiculous amounts of money to do nothing

Tue 5.3.02

mtf22: I wonder when was the last time someone came to formal hall with two landline telephones?

dgs26: Shut down your machines, disconnect them from the network and hide them in the back of a garage... Chances are, they'll still be hacked -.-

Mon 4.3.02

aig20: Etch-A-Sketch Barbarians!

jos: Have you considered kneepads?
- phil: On my head?! What kind of stupid question is that?

[misheard by mpj23] gaec2: I hope she's not feeding you to new shoes...
- rja29: But you shouldn't put old feet into new shoes
- gaec2: So should I pray for new feet...?

Sat 2.3.02

Image: 46 aig20: I'm not sure how far I'd like to go along the logic circuits of a bacteria

gaec2: "Three strands of cord cannot be easily torn"
- acr33: They can with a big knife!

lej26: I don't want you to get rid of your cosmic teddybear image. I just want you to accept there's some leadership there...

lej26: She said "You just disagree with *everything*!" I said, "That's because everything you say is stupid!"

lej26: I'm a supercessionist tart who wants to colonise the Old Testament

~acr33: Hmm, [a certain theological point] is quite a complex issue...
- mpj23: It has real and imaginary parts?!

mpj23: It was all OK until the indestructible cats started appearing
- aig29: I think Morag would have a field day with indestructible cats

rja29: Does he make strange bumping noises when he hits the ceiling?

Fri 1.3.01

sdm29: He definitely has a rug on his chest - it's definitely porn!

acr33: I still don't know why you have two cows on your wall
- sdm29: Because having one would be silly, and three would be just way out there

gaec2: Mounting a horse isn't a symbol of virility to appeal to women!
- kbc22: But neither is a big cannon!

kbc22: Innocent  funny-coloured things lose their lives if you fight!

~sdm29: If I die there, I'm dead!

jep32: God does not want to say to you today, "I am a chicken!"

lecturer: Assume the horse is a sphere...

Thu 28.2.02

acr33: You were just floating around
- sdm29: Yes, I frequently levitate late at night

sdm29: That was just sleepiness, that's not proper tiredness

gaec2: I'm going to get my phone
- acr33: Aww - but I haven't tied you up yet!

acr33: It ought to begin with F E L... like Joy

Wed 27.2.02

Image: 46 Image: 46  dr105: There's one very straightforward way to ensure you beat Arnold Schwarzenegger in  a fight: be thirteen, cute and female.
- gaec2: You find this very straightforward, do you, Douglas??

Image: 46 jsn23: Gives a whole new meaning to "computer porn"... Hey, look at all those naked PCBs!

unknown: I just realised that a floppy disk is root-2 of a compact disc. This has deep crystallographic significance!

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