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Thu4th November

Sally: In the Engineering Department, they have their own fish

Sally: Ooh! The green ones are green flavoured!

Sally: There's a little paranoid part of me that's worried he's devising elaborate revenge plans involving double decker buses

Sally: Oh, you don't wear a bra, do you, Alex?

Alex [practicing typing on PresidentEvil]: When it's time to go emphasise a cat I can't think of a better place to be than Alex

Wed10th November 

Alan: And before you say anything, no my stomach is not an Argos despatch point!

Mike: Not exactly.  I must admire Alan's handiwork, he's made very impressive use of his own nervous system in wiring up a terminal inside Belly...

Fri12th November

Alan: Why don't you want e-mail that's pi/2 out of phase with your inbox?! That's very discriminatory!

Sat13th November

Colin Brookes: I wonder which of my elbows you're more like?

Alex: My quotes are clearly mathmos.

Mon15th November

Image: 46 Mike: Most things are more cute when they're furry, but jam does not belong in this category...

Alex: I was just imagining this eight-foot tall foot-shaped monolith of snow, with a person-sized hole in it, which he could walk through...

Mike: How many Vikings does your office get through in a month?

Wed17th November

Douglas: I don't know what one would do with a widescreen cat
- morag: Obviously, you would watch DVDs on it

Thu18th November

Alan: Your empathy skills are lacking, Mike, if you can't imagine being a large volume of water! How will you imagine being pink water if you can't manage normal water?

Elaine: The grass is all white, and the pavement's melted

Mon22nd November

Alex: Okay, okay, so my misquotations of Tim the Sorcerer are inconsistent with each other. I feel this is somewhat secondary to their inconsistency with any kind of sense!!

Alex to Mike: This explains a certain amount about your mind, that it had frequent visitations from a frantic Loch Ness Monster

Tue23rd November

Alex S: It's the Grim Reaper! Oh no, it's Jenny.

Rachael: Grim Reapers don't kill people, people kill people!

Stephen to Alex: It's the way when "Talented" came up you started singing [BritneySpears?]
- Alex: Nooo! I was referring to the flirtatious nature of spider courtship

Stuart: I did not bleat, I said 'Bah'.

Wed24th November

Alex: Imagine if the only things you saw all day were RubberDucks... imagine what it would do to your head if all of your workmates or classmates vanished, to be replaced by RubberDucks... After a few weeks, months, interacting with no other people but just RubberDucks, mightn't you start thinking you were a rubber duck too? Can you be sure you wouldn't?

Mike: So how quickly can you calculate in your head the tenth root of 6013138531?
- Alan: It depends on how fast I can put the calculator up my nose...

Thu25th November

Alan: I thought my pint of Guinness tasted a touch dodgy when I sat in it a couple of months ago!

Ant: That makes life a trifle easier (or just a trifle)

Steve: I've only known one Queen, and he was a fictional Eskimo

Sun28th November

Alex re a dessert: Like a lot of fancy foods, this...
- Rachael: Is cylindrical?
- Alex: ...Yes, I suppose so!

Mon29th November

Mike to Alex: Do you fear you might be able to make a manga into a sorbet without noticing?

Alex: So, yes. Whether or not I eat concrete I will be eating with Alan

Mike: The whole point of conversations about Alan's Belly is that you can take the most distressing circumstance you can imagine in the outside world, and put them in Alan's Belly for extra distress

StuartFraser: Attempts to spell out the names of Lovecraftian horrors generally fail when someone steals all your letters whilst you're remembering what comes next.

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Last edited December 2, 2004 12:51 pm (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)