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alex: I think I can remember one time in the seven years I was at school when I saw or heard of someone using the P.E. showers
- angela: Did they do it as a dare?

~clive (dancing teacher) re a member of the dancing committee: He's the original Jane Fonda


mike: My kidney beans! They're bleeding!

angela: I always find I need two haircuts, because the first one never does the job!

Sat28.9.02 (Angela enters Thornycreek)

harry: The Crim. Fac. [Criminology Faculty]... it sounds like a hairstyle! "How would you like your hair cut, sir?" "I'd like a crim fack and sides, please!"

rob: Hmm... hypertext dog protocol...

angela: Ich bin ompf.
- alex: Ahh, ompf-sama!
- angela: Je ne suis pas ompf-*sammeeuur*...

angela: If you're assertive, you end up thwacking into glass

Image: 46 audrey: Is that everything?
- angela: Except my sanity, which is left somewhere on the second floor
- audrey: Ah well, at least we know where it is...

[anti-D] nagi: I cannot be offensive to save my life!


jeremy: It's not every day you see somebody walking along with an ironing board on his head.

susan: You can eat my salad, but not throw it around the house!

shaun: You're incredibly smart people, much smarter than I could ever... *wish* to be!


peter t: I used to know what "grenade" was in French... and "rocket launcher"... I could probably have played Quake in French!

kenton: If I'm going to church I don't care if it's full of beer cans! I just push aside the pizza boxes and...

Image: 46 peter t: I still have problems with the concept of ironing
- kenton: I have no problem with the concept of ironing, I just don't do it

steve: Do you and Bhavin have birthdays?
- steph: No, we just kind of floated into the world!
- steve: Right. And when did you do that?

alex: So your gender will be different next week?
- steph: Yes. I might sometimes be brown and have a beard...


nagi: "Teenage Ninja High School" - if that was a film, I'd watch it
- alan: He'd be in it!

dave: A noun, a noun, my kingdom for a noun!

serge to nagi: They'll have to create a new high school stereotype just for you

dave: I would quite like to take up "stalker" as a profession

dave: I would quite like to be a faceless minion one day


[misheard by peter t] alex: I used to get Histon Rd and Milton Rd confused: they're only a couple of continents apart.

angela: I don't think we should think of this in terms of fault
- alex: Especially if what I've done wrong is to not be a Japanese school-age teenager!

alan: What happens if I want to eat a one-eyed green monster? I could be low on magnesium?

anne: Nagi doesn't break things.
- nagi: No, I "enhance" them...

nagi: You don't normally ride a hamburger to the department

mike: This is worrying, you're vibrating gently.
- anne: Well isn't that what racing commentators do?

Image: 46 nagi: Have you ever seen me in a cheerleader's outfit?

anne: Eins zwei drei vier... Hang on, aren't Germans so rude!

nagi: Sorry, some properties of the sentence weren't commutative so I didn't understand

anne: Oh, to be a maths geek instead of a compsci geek!

alan: I have become photonic and must dash off at the speed of light... goodbye...

alan: Am I just a normalisation to a sigma_tot matched with a natural log?


Image: 46 alan: For some reason I'm trying to imagine Nagi walking up the aisle with a duck-billed platypus
- [...]
- nagi: Hey. May as well...
- alex: What - may as well imagine it, or may as well walk up the aisle with a duck-billed platypus?
- nagi: Hey! Both...

rob: I shall plunge the coffee!  [pause for 10 seconds] Into the sea ! [pause for 10 seconds] Or something.

mike: So what kind of wavefunction does a moron have?
- rob: Oh, Mike...!
- alan: Good answer Rob...

alan: Well, since we're welcoming international students to Cambridge, isn't it also valid to welcome other species?
[Unsurprisingly to those who know AlanRoberts, the species in question was "cow"...]

mike: Can you imagine rotating while playing the fiddle? It'd be quite impressive...

alan: Hi, I'm Alan... I just waved at you, and so I'm going to wave at you again

rob: I just need to experiment with some of Mike's plates...
- alex: ...And a chainsaw!
- rob: Well, I was going to use a chisel, but...

[misheard by everyone in the room] zoë: Mike should have his church untucked from his jumper

rob: Ideally, what you need is Fourier interpolation
- alex: What, for audio purposes?
- rob: No, for pedantic purposes!! For geek purposes!

[misheard by mike] zoë, holding a pan of custard: Is it OK to tip this straight onto the table?
[Actually: to *sit* this straight onto the table]

alex: You were the one just saying cows were sensitive!
- alan: So are half-cows...

alan: If you can find a poster with some cows on it, then I'll talk to them

rob: You have to plug a joypad into me

alex: Wow, I'm vaguely deveggifying!

mike: Economy Mild is purely imaginary cheese
[This was a highly entertaining reference in context, which can be supplied by asking Alex or Mike; but it's also nicely surreal out of context :-) ]

alex: I've got this image of Rob sitting in a sink, with the tap running onto him

Sun22.9.02 (Eva-thon, Part 2)

alex: Shimmering shoulders - this would indeed be quite wacky

alan: I declare myself officially a woman

alan: Well if my mum's a kurdish-iraqi guy, then yes...

nagi to tim: We're all still here - don't worry. Or worry, depending on what seems appropriate

ant to alex, anil, serge: You're all doomed to being Nagified. I have Kung Fu defences.

nagi: Ah... liquor! That makes sense now...!

Sat21.9.02 (Eva-Thon, Part 1)

peter t: Is it only things beginning with R that go on sticks?

nagi: That penguin's in the fridge
- mike: Where else would you keep a penguin?

anil to lucy: So - you wish to be a female Homer Simpson, then?
- lucy: Yes!

nagi: I'm very glad I don't look like a Pokémon figure!

nagi: There was a barman in a bar - unsurprisingly...

anil re mike: You have a separate audio loop dedicated to coffee?

alex: Nagi *is* the walking mug tree.

Image: 46 lucy: Peter, how far is Middlesborough?
- peter s: From where?
- lucy: From anywhere!

tim: In my life, I prefer your balls to be a very abstract concept!
- nagi: Oh, I prefer them very, very concrete...

alan: Mike and I could swap names if it would help...?

alex: Sorry, Anil - I didn't mean to behead you with the chocolate bar
- nagi: You didn't mean to convert it into a ninja star...

morag to nagi: You could probably out-Yoda Yoda...
- nagi: NoNoNoNo, I don't know enough conformal field theory yet.

serge to alex: Don't *you* absorb food through your skin?
- ant to alex: Aaa - freak!

morag: Alan is doing a PhD in what the cows next to his office are doing

mike: Ant is a great master of cows and their mooing...
- ant: I am the Moo-Master.

alex: Who'd have thought that tomato ketchup could be such a destructive weapon?
[Note: this quote is referring to a *RealLife* incident - not connected to the quote below!]

alex: This tomato ketchup is unlikely to be mistaken for a collectable card purchase

Image: 46 mike: A pun shared is a pun... best unshared.

mike: Take your foot out of your mouth... and leave it there.
- serge: Simultaneously...

nagi: At first we had big lizards, now we have angels!

ant: All ceilings are familiar!

alex: My quotes! My quotes! They're floating out of the chimney!


peter t: Actually, trading sheep for a sheep isn't very useful...

morag: I don't like Nagi being mistaken for me

susi: Me and my best friend are thinking about sibling swaps... and it all started with an ice-cream

sham: There's nothing to worry about, apart from the fact we might be in big trouble. Other than that - things are good! Things are really looking up for us...


alan: Whatever I do, it'll be wrong.
- liz: But we *do* appreciate your efforts...

alex: Typical, isn't it? You sit around for half an hour waiting for a Bible, and then three come along at once...

[misheard by peter t]: steve gane [sitting next to his wife Elaine]: There aren't any married people in this cell

mike: Slots are two hours long, from 9am to 9pm

Image: 46 zoë to mike: The urge to paint you green and take you to Asda is almost irresistable...

alan: People need to be told to be more silly... otherwise how are we going to remain sane?


morag to matthew b: You claimed bishounen status last week - so get yer jeans off!

Image: 46 mike: Nagi, you're not meant to go "Ooooh" when you're feeling a guy's legs
- nagi [leering]: It's not because of the legs - it's because of his jeans. [suddenly puzzled] - wait, why is that better?

mike: Being born is a fairly irreversible process, I guess...


angela: It's really bad when your own sandals look like baguettes

anne: Andrew, I worry about you often - it's nothing to do with the phone

anne: It's a Java class!
- mike: Is that where you learn to drink coffee?

susan: It's scary!
- matt: What is?
- susan: My finger!

Image: 46 susan: You've got a very convenient head there, Mike!
- mike: I find it very convenient, yes...

ant: I want to think I'm eating pizza - I don't really mind if I'm really eating pizza or not

ant: "The great recycled cow"... it's got a certain ring to it. A certain moo to it, anyway...


audrey: I think all my teachers tie up

alex: Nyahahahaa - my website is all-powerful!

dave: Oh dear - we've got a crying spaceship on our hands

mike to dave: I shall be your remote control...

Image: 46 mike: Alex, you're not meant to go "Die!" at your own chest!
- alex: I'm killing the carrier pigeon in my lungs...

alex: Nokky's constantly broadcasting on carrier pigeon frequency

mike: "I was thwarted by a guy with his leg stuck in another dimension... Curses!"

mike: Most stone snakes don't need a lawyer.

mike: Human beings can't normally materialize at will

dave: Frosted glass always confuses me. "Aaghh! ...Frosted glass!"

dave: My soul is not for sale for less than... about forty quid

mike: I specialise in gibbering!

rob: Are we going to end up with our brains expressed in XLink?

rob: I'm going to use a "CD" - "C"offee "D"rinking - to improve my intelligence...

rob: I'm sure you know the feeling of being an IT manager, and wasting time doing things that need to be done

rob: Can I quote the smilies you're making?

mike: Normally when Rob makes a strange noise and looks at me, it means he wants to kill me for the pun I just made.

mike: It's got about the average IQ for a shirt

rob: You've got to imagine this boxing ring with four Pikachus in throwing lightning bolts at each other.

Image: 46 tish: I'm going to do the course today: MATLAB Fundamentals. Putting the "Fun" back into "Fundamental". Or is it the "Mental"?

Sun15.9.02 (Peter moves in!)

alex: What do you mean, "my laugh"? I've got 10 different laughs!

alex: "God, I love not being a rabbi!"

alan: Is Alex becoming Bulgarian?
[Upon seeing a fork tied to Alex's shoe...]

mike: It would be even more silly to talk to cows that aren't there than to cows that are...
- alan: You could phone them!

alan: You need to talk to cows.  They're very... conversational.

mike: So what you're saying is, Belly's swallowed a stopwatch.
- alan: Er, yes...
- tom: Don't worry, this conversation isn't for human beings.

alex: I have no idea what you're talking about.
- angela: Yes, I realise this... still, it's not that unusual


nagi: Quantum Tunnelling is *NOT* for Saturday mornings!
- alan: So does that mean that radioactive decay doesn't occur on Saturday mornings?
- nagi: Not in our kitchen!

lucy: I can see why Alex turned out the way he did if he has a father like himself.

lucy to alex: We'll try not to kill you - if we do, you can sue us

morag: I like the mythology. It sounds like it has a RealWorld behind it

alex: That's the first time I've drawn a remote-controlled fish

I'm a little telephone, short and stout
Here're my buttons, here's my trout..
...um, trout? Hey, where did this come from? And why is it typing? Hey, get off! No, not there! Anything but that! That tickles!! Wah! He.. heheee! heheheheheee! Mercy...

lucy: Did you evangelise anyone on your punt trip, Alex?
- alex: Er, um, a couple of cows...

dave: You've got to quote that - 'That's why string theory is so exciting!'
- nagi: Come on! It's hardcore pornography!

serge: Activated charcoal is good for the digestion but...


Image: 46 peter t: if you want to scare a sheep, say "mint sauce" at it
- david: Do sheep understand the words "mint sauce"?
- peter t: Well, saying "mint sauce" at sheep is fun anyway...

david: I like fires... let's find more things to burn, like cows
- peter t: Mental note: keep David away from cows!

kenton: Is this a clean plate?
- david: Tip it into the fire, and see what colour it burns... if it all burns green, we'll know it isn't clean...

kenton: Only a complete nutter owns a car in Cambrige!
- david: We own a car, thank you very much!
- kenton: My point exactly...

kenton: Are any of those sausages done? [as in cooked]
- peter t: You would consider them done. One of them's approaching what I would consider done, too...

alex: It's not that easy to convert cows into tin foil.

kenton: Don't burn yourself? What, on cold toast?

alan: ...Then amble around to the station in the proverbial cycling-in-a-rush-sense of the word amble...

rob: You might have cooked the cake in liquid nitrogen.

kenton: I'm not quite sure why I'm cycling round Cambridge with two litres of literally boiling water on my back
[He was! I understood why, but it's not exactly a common activity...]


mike to rob: Stop headbutting the floor by proxy!

steve to peter t: So your store your attention at Garrett Hostel Lane, do you?

hazel: Asking questions is actually a tactical measure for avoiding answering them

steve: You didn't throw any cows into the Cam, though, did you?
- kenton: No... cause there weren't any around

kenton: I lived in a pink bedroom for two years
- hazel: That explains a lot, Kenton!
- kenton: I was a student, so it's allowed

hazel [just making conversation]: Come on, I want full details of what you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Kenton!!

mary-ann: What more could you want - it's [an online interactive mexican wave generating program]!
[ I didn't know that one could be quoted over email... ]

Image: 46 alex: It's somehow terrifying to imagine my brother looking cute, with big, soulful, anime eyes
[ [This picture], second from the left, captures a tiny fraction of the terror involved... ]

mike: There appear to be no vibrating cows in Cambridge, or if there are they evaded me

yves: I am sure you can always project a decently graded superNagi on a normal mountain... you will just lose a small part of it...


serge: It happens rather a lot in most people's lives, really
- nagi: What, dying?

nagi to alex: You're going to die in a really f'ing weird way
- mike: That'll be just like the rest of his life then...

nagi: Alex can be a fluffy cow...

matthew f: It's like Switzerland being a cauliflower

peter m: Thanks, Sujal, for bringing us that info. Now hurry up and leave so we can talk about it!


Image: 46 angela: I promise to do my best, to do my duty to God, to drop the Queen, to help other people, and to keep the Brownie Guide Law

anne: We don't need a paradise - we can just call out two random numbers between one and six

anne: That's where I went wrong
- alex: What, not being Serge?

mike: Where's the freezer?
- susan: In the cupboard.
- mike: Could you be a little more specific?
- susan: The cupboardy cupboard - as opposed to the cupboardy cupboard

susan: Okay, I've got an Alex - now what do I do with him?

Image: 46 anne to alex: I'd understand if *you* were married to Morag...
- alex: I wouldn't!!

anne: I was only suggesting marriage [of herself to Alex] for the sake of cat ownership

susan: There is always the possibility of *not* making sound effects

anne: Unfortunately you're lacking a fast internet connection
- alex: Due to living on a park bench...

Image: 46 alex: "I'm sorry, officer, I wasn't trying to overthrow the throne - or if I was, I was strictly allowed to by the rules of this game!"

anne: Do we deliberately talk in quotes, or are we really that strange?!

susan: Anne's made sense of Troll-counting - this is worrying...

anne: I'm sorry, I seem to have turned into a particularly sad git at the moment. Please forgive me.

anne: I was just trying to find out the interesting feature of the game, like sudden death, and being killed by Nat...

richard: I keep forgetting about November! I keep thinking, "It's September now, and then we've got October, and after that it's - DECEMBER! Aaaagh!"


alex: [A student friend] 's something ridiculous like top of the year
- rob: Tsk, there's always one, isn't there?

rob: I was thinking, "Roberts doesn't start with an R..."

alex: I don't think [Mike] minds very much, being randomly turned blue...

alex: We avoid being Susaned by denying your Susan!
[And hence the concept of a denial-of-Susan attack..]

alex: Angela Ditchfield is a compulsive organisaholic!!!

Sun8.9.02 (Day of 51 Quotes)

alex: I don't think it's illegal for a bird to fly faster than the national speed limit

(50) mike: That is illegal in the rules of the game. These are akin to the law of Physics as opposed to the laws of Germany.

alex to alan: Could you have a quick gender operation so we can finish the game?

Image: 46 mike: What kind of criminal do you think I am to be swayed by offers of jelly babies?
- alan: A jelly baby thief of course!
- alex: A jelly baby thief would probably have a lot more than 3 jellybabies.
- alan: Unless he's a *very bad* jelly baby thief...

alex: It's a retro steam bus.

alan r: I won't really do a little dance.
[universal cries of "awwwwww" and "shame"]

(45) mike: Oh - I might be a taxi.

alan: So what am I then?
- alex: A half-hamster, half-elderberry. Obviously.

mike: I may be a criminal, but I can still make quotes!

Image: 46 mike: I'll use a taxi that's the right way up, shall I?

helen to audrey: Could you please say something other than ummm?

(40) alan r: Mike, by definition you are not in a safe place... you are being Susaned.

alan r to matthew w: Yes, "human", you may look in the quote machine.

susan: I think this is also along the lines of a definition of Susan, although I don't generally have rice in my mouth.

[D] susan: We just had a really good definition of me:... ...oh, I've forgotten what it was now.

[D] susan: So what's wrong with that?
- alan r: Nothing; I'm agreeing with you!
- susan: Good... otherwise you'd be in trouble!
- alan r: Okay, in which case I definitely agree with you!

(35)Image: 46 alan r: I talk to everything. Hello Mike.

mike: Are you going to paint a shrubbery on your door?

alex: It was about the concept of throwing underwear into the river Cam.
- mike: What's so silly about that?!

alex: You need to go hiring sharks for your translation duty
- [Context: matthew had just said "It's got a very Finnish R in it, which only a Finn can pronounce properly..."]

Image: 46 mike re a preacher: He wasn't planning to just improvise the sermon based on what an electronic Pooh Bear said

(30) alex: This is Nagi's method of pest removal: turning them into PestO2?

alan r: For the sake of Mike's stomach, shall we all agree a silence for the next 5 minutes?

susan: Our spare room has about 200 Star Trek videos in.
- alan r: Do they have skeletons in them?
- matt: Some of them...

mike: It's not wise to assume Alan hasn't got X-Ray vision.
- alan r: If I did have X-ray vision, I wouldn't be able to see paint.

susan: What's this?
- alex: It stops the wheels on the chairs making permanent marks on the sofa.

(25) susan: It's hard to punctuate a big wait.

mike: Does that mean I can't work as an aubergine?

alan r: Assume I'm a normal person: I was eating all afternoon

mike: Have you ever read-written a bowl?

mike: Cool, there's a fish on the stereo.

(20) mike: I didn't know I had an imaginary eye.

mike: This T-shirt is suffering and therefore ready to be sacrificed.

susan to mike: But if I yell "attack" you run away into the kitchen and this is an improvement.

susan: Can I make a stomach centred suggestion.
- alan [instantly]: Yes!

alex: A fractal tape player. That's a cool concept.

(15) susan: At least I can relax with mud mud in my head.

susan: They're back!
- mike: What are?
- susan: Flanders and Swann songs! They've been terrorising me all day!

mike: I'm allowed to be innocent.... I'm driving.
- alan r: That doesn't mean you *are* innocent.

alan r in a lift to mike: Maybe we should set up a Barn in here...

mike: I've never tried to embarrass Ken Livingstone.

(10) mike: Where does one park a pink elephant?

alan r: Oh dear... My phone seems to know the word emacs

susan: I'm a mini lorry. 

mike: You can leave that table to our imaginary friend and his wrap.

mike: He seemed to enjoy the quotes from yesterday about ermm... whatever the quotes were about...

(5) alan r: Can I marry Matthew?

alan r: You make it sound as if you can buy Susans off the shelf: 'And this is the Susan Mark 2...'

susan: I am *not* a shopping trolley!

alan r to mike: Your hair sounds like a chemistry experiment

mike: Chickens don't come with an on-off switch.
- alan r: That depends what kind of chicken you get...

Sat7.9.02 (Knot-Tying X+1: Hawkins + Bickerstaffe)

alan r: We could always buy Nokky his own fridge.
- matt: It's debatable whether Nokky *is* a fridge

alan s: Alex, is it OK if I come over tomorrow and give you some tigerskin?

nagi to morag: If I'm dead, will pillows hurt? [morag nods] - OK, I won't do that then...

anne: Alex, I *need* to come and see your house, because I'm really nosey...

nick: I'd recommend the submarine attack.

Image: 46 nick: "No-one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish". And I think that would lead us nicely to Jeremy's birth. On the 12th February 1979, Jeremy was born: as a baby, not as a sick goldfish.

nick [starting his best man's speech]: Ladies, gentlemen, relatives, friends, and Alex

Image: 46 jeremy: I feel for the sake of our marriage, I'll have to commit myself to regularly eating lots of ice cream

jeremy: My parents have spent 23 years bringing me up, and... *I* think they've done a great job!

jeremy: It goes without saying that I love her. But just because it goes without saying, doen't mean I don't need to say it...: Anna, I love you.

jeremy: One hundred and fortynine people - you don't realise how many people it is until you see them, and it's rather a lot!

father of the bride: I want to give one piece of advice to my fellow Martians today

susan: I only knew him a couple of years ago.
- morag: Me too. I tried to kill him! This was before I knew who he was
[With regard to a certain Gothic trilingual Russian mathematician...]

nagi: I'm just good at yelling at people! ...I just don't know why I'm yelling at them...

morag: Most people have a little more idea than Ant what's going on

nagi to mike: I can see your separate left testicles! Um... left testicle...

nam: I'm following you.
- fiona: No, no, *I'm* following *you*...!

nia: It's built of fish - how scary!!

kate to mark: Oi, I am not a doorpeg!

kate to alex [first thing she said to him that day]: Hello, how nice to see you! I'm not very good at kissing with a hat on

susan: I suppose we could always dye Mike's hair yellow
- alex: Yes, I think this would be a good plan

susan: I have a great problem with food - I get distracted very easily

mike: I don't think in car terms. I don't think, "Ooh! I'm hungry! Better have some petrol!"

Fri6.9.02 [27 quotes]

alan r: I thought you were going to crash your toilet

mike: At least [my room at home] has decent curtains. The ones in my room in Gwydir St are positively indecent. They show far too much leg.

mike: What's your bag doing in the car key, Alex?
- alex: Hiding. Obviously!

angela: Wouldn't you be evil if you'd been leaking polystyrene balls for a decade?

~angela: I've always thought that boiled bananas are best

Image: 46 angela: The paperclip is your friend
- lynnette: It may be my friend, but I'd like to kill it!

chris: This program runs slower than the old one. The surprising thing is, it's not Microsoft!

mike: My cake was cooked from the outside out

Image: 46 mike: I think a small time-warp must have been involved
- alex: This is Cambridge - I'm *sure* this can be arranged
- [re: sending a rabbit back to the 60's to star in MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail?...]

lynnette [laughing]: I've been chucking the bones out of the window
- mike: I threw them out of the door...
- lynnette: But it's much easier to just chuck them out of the window!
[I'm not telling you what kind of bones these were!]

angela: But - but what if the epitome lives in the trousers?

chris: You're dribbling water all over the table
- mike: Oh good, it can clean up the lasagne I dribbled all over the table earlier.

mike: If you see a bloke at a station with a notebook, looking round, how do you know if he's a trainspotter, or another trainspotter-spotter like you?

Image: 46 mike: I think you'd have just had to discard underwear straight away, if Nagi was there

Image: 46 alan: Are you suggesting, Alex, that it's possible to outquote the universe?

matthew: The second is defined down to a certain... whole number of... of wiggles.

mike: Alan, you're the physicist: how much faster than 140 mph is the speed of light?

alan r: Shall we create some quotes placebos, to try to bring him down again?
[Nokky had been claiming to be "high on quotes today"]

mike: Alan, you eat too much for your mass to tend to zero

alan r: So what has a higher priority: German law or physical law?

Image: 46 alex: "Reminder, for one and a half hours' time: Tickle Mike mercilessly"
- mike: Are you going to put that in as a reminder, a quote, or both?!

alan r: If you kicked something around the floor... wouldn't you be confused? [looks confused] Or shouldn't it be confused? ... I think I'm confused...

susan to matthew: You think; I just get confused.

mike: Does losing your trousers count as unsafe or merely embarassing?
- alan r: Do you mean for him, or for everybody else?!

matthew: Susan was wrapping a present. This was such a strenuous activity that she pulled a muscle...
[It's true!]

alex [giving directions]: Straight on. That is, rightish...


bartow: A good way to win this game is not to play it

ben: Dublin *is* in two places at the same time.
- rob: Ooh, it's there as well!
- [...]
- ben: Mike's in two places at once too. Maybe he's in both the Dublins as well.

richard: It's CRM, Caffeine Rights Management - this is an important software topic


angela: My brain *doesn't* hurt. This is bad.

angela: They'll have to start making allowances for you on the basis of race or gender or something
- alex: I'm a Caucasian white male!
- angela: Yes, this is a problem.

[anti-D] dave: The ones who have class are us southerners.
[Dave is known for being a rather aggressive Northerner...]

dave: I was walking backwards, and falling over the table. The Queen laughs, everyone laughs, nobody gets beheaded...

alan to mike: You become infinitely stressed at the deadline, presumably using up all your energy so you can't ever physically hand your work in?
- mike: That's why I always hand my work in a little before the deadline.


zoë: The good news is that my guns are obeying the basic laws of physics

susan: There's underwear everywhere!

Image: 46 rob: I don't believe we've met.
- tom: Yes we have - I was at your wedding.
- rob: Err. Umm. I'm not married...

sally: Oy, that's my boyfriend - don't make him garlic flavoured!


dave: Well, she looked hungry, so I made her a carrot!

mike: Nybluhbluunnhh... what I said is true, but irrelevant!

alex: The concept of finding an entire kitchen inside a swiss roll about 5 centimetres high... um... [realises what he said] ...needs quoting?

mike: It's not often I confuse Nokky with kitchen roll

alex: [Mike's] going to disappear at midnight and reappear at 12:01
- mike: Yes, I do that every night in fact...

mike: I'm afraid I'm incapable of making a mug out of hot water

Image: 46 alex: Is Ben around?
- mike: More so than Rob...
- alex: [sigh] Is Ben about?
- mike: Not noticeably.
- rob: A bout of what?
- alex: Boxing, obviously!!

tish [re a room]: Get it all nicely decorated, and then take a sledgehammer to it

tish [married to jos]: The first thing I did was shoot Jos in the head
[...First thing after getting a PlayStation, that is]


zuza: He's doing research into psychology, so he shouldn't think we're too weird

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