Ambient Rhythm is updated on Tuesday and Friday

It was a very untraditional British Bank Holiday yesterday - the sun was shining, and the weather was glorious. Naturally, we spent it in the traditional way - the lawn was mowed, the garden was weeded and we went to a barbecue :) (to be fair, that is almost the first time we've paid any attention to the garden since winter, and the lawn had almost become a jungle - it kept raining when we were going to mow it). It's looking almost civilised now, but the best part is what's happened to the little, nondescript tree that shares the lawn with a large staghorn tree (the kind with red 'candles' that spreads by suckers. Very weird). The staghorn dominates the garden, but slightly in front and to the left of it is a small tree, about my height. It was quite normal-looking when we moved in last summer, but this spring, it has burst into a cloud of pale pink and white blossom. It's gorgeous to look at, and while we were working in the garden yesterday, a gentle breeze kept petals wafting past in a very shoujo manner. I've always wanted a tree like that *^^*

- Sun Kitten, 6th May '08

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