Artifaxis is updated on Tuesday and Friday

That was a very fun weekend. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, online or in real life. On Saturday, we went to Chili's and then saw the Kingdom of Heaven, which was a surprisingly intelligent film, albeit somewhat altered from the real history (of course). It took some time to get going - I found the start in particular both rushed and not very engaging (they had a lot of facts to get across and not much time to do so). Once Balian got stuck into the situation in Jerusalem, though, it was really quite good. On Sunday I baked many cakes and we saw Revenge of the Sith, which I did rather enjoy (RotS in 15 minutes - a very good description and funny too). On Monday, we had people round to eat the cakes I made on Sunday, and I got to sit and draw and chat for the evening, and that was very cool. It was the best weekend I've had in some time :)

- Sun Kitten, 31st May '05

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