Artifaxis is updated on Tuesday and Friday

Two days after Christmas - I feel like I've resurfaced. There are so many things I should be doing but which I've been happily ignoring for the past couple of days. We've been watching films, and playing Final Fantasy 9 again (after about a year, I think), and I've been playing with some of the things I got. One of those was a new scanner, which meant I could do justice to this gift art by Laura Watton - isn't it gorgeous? Some of the other things I got will also be great fun to play with, but the results will be a little longer in coming. Another thing I have is time, now, to do comics and so on (that said, I've been sadly neglecting next week's Artifaxis strips). Time is precious - I like holidays  ^.^

- Sun Kitten, 27th December '05

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