The road to Maesfell is not steep, although it is surrounded by rolling hills. The sea glints through the gaps between their peaks. You are never far from the sea on Saldissay. After half an hour of driving, Mathea spots a figure on the road, walking slowly but steadily towards Vraskall. The long black braid tells her who it is from some way away. She pulls alongside the sage.
"Was your book there?" she asks.
"No. It must have been taken." He carries on walking.
"So you're going after it." It's not really a question. An idea had occurred to her. He will have a lot more authority than she will with the Vraskall seminary.
"I am," he confirms.
"It's a long way to Vraskall. We are looking for the same ship." His expression doesn't change. Maybe he didn't understand the hint. Mathea decides to be direct. "I'll give you a lift if you help me look when we get there."
The deal is agreeable, and they proceed towards Vraskall with the foreign sage seated in the back of the cart and his little creature curled up inside.