Inric is not particularly surprised to find Mathea gone from the place he last saw her. He carries on out, and is greeted by Copper at the door.
"I should have listened to you," he grumbles. Copper trots ahead and Inric follows as the bookwyrm wends his way down to the sea. The path they are on has boards laid down, which makes the walking easier, and the boards just carry on to make a pier reaching out into the water. Small boats are tied up here and there along its length, and one larger one is moored further out. As Inric follows Copper towards the pier, a familiar name catches his ears.
"But, Mathea, why -"
"Why what?"
"I've been looking for you both for years!"
"And why should I care?"
Inric walks out along the pier with care to where Mathea is facing a stranger, the fury in her voice matching her stance.