"There's someone who wants to visit the Library," Anvar says, looking away. "But it can't be for a burial."
"Why not?"
"I haven't found any records of Sarayan burials."
"How did someone from Sarayan get a message to you?"
"Via Setherushiel Shin-Aliatharin's second cousion Felithirouin Swyn-Oriavaras' sister-in-law," Anvar says, counting off the people on his fingers. "She has relatives in Sarayan."
"And they asked about burials?"
"Actually, no." Anvar looks thoughtful. "And it's not Felithirouin's relatives who want to come. They asked on behalf of a Carianaya Sen-Sorathiran Shir-Kassilian." He doesn't notice Inric's start at the name.