"I think I see," Inric says, sitting down on a convenient stool.
"Really?" Kelyn is excited. "How does it work?"
"Ivorys is a low flux world," Inric begins, "which means magic is not readily available. However, many years ago, Broghan shamans discovered they could access magic using ragwort. In order to do this, the plant must somehow be internalised. the shamans used to smoke it and dream very... vivid dreams." He pauses. "Did your people ever use ragwort?"
"No." Kelyn scowls. "Magic isn't a thing Mogu do. Anyway, go on."
"Changing to using limniform magic allowed much greater control, but a drawn image is not internalised," Inric continues. "Unless -"
"Unless it's a tattoo!" Kelyn is quick on the uptake. "But then, my spell -"