"The Great Library is a very important place, because it's where all the clan records are stored." Inric remembers being a child and listening enthralled to the tutor who had first told him all about the library. "And people work there, studying all sorts of things." It had sounded so special, so important. He'd hung onto that all through his childhood, arguing for the library's importance with his grandmother, who maintained firmly that his priority should be his clan and family. And even when he'd gone, in his first truly adult year, Varin had assumed it was a passing fad. "Enjoy it," he'd said, just outside the clanhold nexus room. "And don't feel you have to stick it out for the full year if you don't want to." But by the time Inric had lined up with all the other young hopefuls, to listen to the welcome speech from the senior librarian, he had known he wanted to stay. "From every clanhold and every corner of Eld, welcome!" He'd listened with an echo of that childish joy welling up within. "You will participate in the study and archiving of the records kept here, and I hope that some of you may continue in your studies after your year is up. Whatever your interest, whatever questions you have, this is the best place to be asking them!"