Another strip that took longer than estimated. Ah well, I'm feeling pleased with myself 'cos along with today's strip, I also finished next Tuesday's ^.^
I spent an hour waiting to be served in a travel agents today. We got plane tickets for Anime Expo New York. I'm so looking forward to it - not only do we get to go to a huge con (I did enjoy MinamiCon and I suspect I might prefer the smaller cons, but I do want to go to a big one at least once) but we also get to see our friend Nataku, who we don't see often because she lives in America. In addition to that, neither of us has been to New York before. I'm told it's an interesting experience...
To complete the good mood, a friend is coming today ("Wai! Kazuhiko-daiyo! Wai!", to (mis)quote Mink). Almost all I could hope for is that one of my experiments will actually produce results in the near future... ^.~
- Sun Kitten, 10.5.02