Here is an interesting proof Kazuhiko sent us today:
Everyone knows that girls require time and money:
girls = time x money
Everyone knows that time is money:
time = money
girls = money x money = money2
Now, money is the root of all evil:
money = √evil (*)
girls = (√evil)2
girls = evil
I leave you to work out the implications of this for not only girls, but also computers, cats and webcomics. I'm going to bed; I have to be up for 6:30 tomorrow for a conference (conference, sadly, not convention) in Reading ^^
Oh yes, and there's a small update on the more page.
- Sun Kitten, 17th September '02
* apologies to all those with earlier-than-HTML4 browsers - this conglomerate of characters (√) is the square root sign in HTML 4.