ignite - the - PASSION

15 June 1999  .  Eden Baptist Church

IGNITE THE PASSION is an event about passion for God.

It happened on 15 June 1999.  Those who came along had breakthroughs in their relationship with God, their commitment to God and their passion for God.


Seminars, prayer, worship
Tuesday 15th June 1999, 10am-5pm 
(come and go as you like)
Eden Baptist Church, 
Grafton Centre, Cambridge


There were six seminars, each running twice over the course of the day:
| Never seen the point in prayer?  Not been able to stick at it?  Need to get enthusiastic about talking to your Father and Creator?  Come to the 'Passion for Prayer' seminar and get involved in changing the world!
| "I believe in Jesus, but I wouldn't try to force my views on my friends!"
"What really gets to me is all these pushy Christians..."
Come to 'Why Share My Faith?' to see what Jesus said on the matter of 'evangelism' and whether it ought to be something you're doing or not.
| University is unlike any other time of our lives.  As Christians, how do we cope with the special challenges and opportunities of student life?  Hear and discuss what's involved in 'Being a Godly Student'.
| Can God really get involved in the day-to-day life of a Christian?  And why would he talk to us, anyway?  The whole issue of 'Listening to God' still causes controversy - come and hear it straight from the Bible.
| What does 'holiness' actually mean?  Is it a possible or desirable way of life these days?  Get some life-changing food for thought in the seminar on 'Living a Holy Life'.
| God: a powerless old man, a tyrannical ogre, a disinterested deity, a victim to the technological age?  Christians still believe God is all-powerful and in control of everything - and that this is good news!  Come and see why we sing 'My God is so Big!' |


The timetable for the day was:

9:30-10 Arrive
10:00am Worship with Blue Flame Eden Main Hall
10:45am First seminar slot Various rooms
12:00pm Gather for discussion / free time Eden Main Hall
12:30pm Lunch - provided for £1 Eden Back Hall
1:30pm Chance to buy books or sign up for followup Eden Main Hall
2:00pm Second seminar slot Various rooms
3:00pm Coffee break Eden Back Hall
3:15pm Third seminar slot Various rooms
4:15pm Concluding worship and prayer time Eden Main Hall
5:00pm Finish


Questions? Information?  Contact any of:
|   Alex Churchill (speakers, admin):
  Emma Plowright (college contacts):
  Alan Senior:
gaec2@cam.ac.uk or (01223) 365411


Ignite the Passion is a Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union event