Maths Lectures: Tips from an Audience Member's Point of View

There are two or three big principles of lecturing maths (or any subject). I'd hesitate to advise on how to prepare notes, say, or the more mathematical side of the art; but having been an audience member for years in maths lectures, I do feel I can give some tips on one of the chief overriding principles of lecturing:


A lecture is not just a means of distributing lecture notes - see Tom Körner's essay on Lectures for more on this: on his page, about half-way down. However, neither is its aim a purely verbal explanation of its subject matter; it lives a curious dual life, attempting both to induce understanding at the time, and to create a comprehensible and coherent set of lecture notes for the student to refer to later.
"The ability of lecturers to give good notes is different from the ability to give good oral presentations... as you know from the quality of your notes and of your lecturers"
(Prof Grimmett, Lent 1999)

This principle will work itself out in ways like:

Note: The following suggestions are written from the point of view of maths in Cambridge. If your location or subject is different, then bits about blackboards etc may seem irrelevant; please feel free to ignore any such as appropriate.

I appreciate if a lecturer has a too-large amount of material to get through, the above may not all always be possible; but the principle remains, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR AUDIENCE.


For each of my years in Cambridge, one or two lecturers have struck me as being very clear, attentive to their audience's understanding, and generally very good at the art of lecturing, quite independently of their mathematical skills. Learn from them.
Part IA, 1997-8:F Kelly (Probability)
Part IB, 1998-9:JME Hyland (Groups, Rings & Fields); GR Grimmett (Markov Chains)
Part II(B), 1999-2000:Ian Grojnowski (Representation Theory)
Part III, 2000-01:Tom Leinster (Category Theory)

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See my collection of humourous quotes from Cambridge Maths lecturers: Part IA/IB, Part II, or Part III