Our attitude to money shouldn't be "How much do I have to give, and how much am I allowed to keep". I'm not quite sure what it should be, but it's something like "How much do I have to keep, and how much can I afford to give?"
Some of the practical implications I think this has are:
There's no "Should I give from all my income (including gifts etc), or
should it be just my earnings?" If we're wanting to give, it'll be everything we can, from any source!
(There may be other issues about not feeling that we could feel happy
giving from loans, or things like that; those are up to the individual
conscience, but I don't think the general principle is altered.)
This change in attitude will also free up those who are in real financial difficulty from guilt over not giving when they need the money to survive. God wants us to take care of our bodies - they're temples of the Holy Spirit! I think if our attitude is one of joyful giving because we want to, then a number of difficulties are solved.
This doesn't answer how to get this attitude of joyful & willing giving, of course. I'm not too sure on that one - the only thought I have is that it's connected to a healthy humility and constant remembering that everything comes from God.
I also think we are intended to have a good time on the earth, and enjoy the blessings and gifts God's given, as long as they're not sinful. So it's OK to spend some money on days out at a theme park, or fun toys; although I think we do need to keep a bit more caution. We need to check our impulses, cause it's easy to slip into hedonism - I think with this type of spending money a certain amount is an attitude thing. One person might have a problem with either buying or playing some game or activity, because they find their attitude slipping into competitiveness or selfishly wanting to continue playing; others might have no problem at all with that activity.