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A person or opinion with idealistic tendencies, or with a distinct lack of pragmatism; see also [article on David Blunkett].

For example, any ValueJudgement? of a person as good or bad, outside the context of religion, can be viewed as being FluffyLiberal; a non-fluffy would parse error as what precisely it is that they're good for or at. You can say that SaddamHussein? is bad, but it could also be pointed out that he was very good at keeping the people of Iraq? non-rebellious.

Counter-example: "Wogs are bad.  British are the best.", "My country right or wrong.", "Gays/pinkos/rockmusicians are evil and ruining this country.". --DR

I don't see this at all.  I'd say that doing this is simplistic, yes - but does it have anything to do with Fluffy-liberalism?  Other than to suggest that suferring from advanced fluffy-liberalness is largely associated with the simplistic?  --Vitenka
The fluffy worldview tends to be a simplistic one, of the form "the people of Iraq are nice people suffering under an evil tyrant. Getting rid of said tyrant will create world peace within our lifetimes". The pragmatic view is "there are as many evil gits in Iraq as anywhere else, and in the chaos created by the fall of a government they'll have free reign". - CorkScrew

Should probably make clear that it is posisble to be fluffy without being liberal, and liberal without being fluffy - much as electioneering might have you believe otherwise.  --Vitenka
I'd draw the distinction between liberal as a philosophy and, for example, Liberal Democrat as a party. - CorkScrew

For details on a subset of fluffiness, I really like the site ["Why Wiccans Suck"] - a rant against fluffiness in the pagan community.  - CorkScrew

Um - I point out that the 'liberal' part has a fairly specific meaning, over and above fluffiness.  --Vitenka
Point accepted, it's just that extreme fluffiness tends to sprout as a subset of liberality. Right-wing folk tend to be more pragmatic. Come to think of it, I think the correct phrase is actually wooly liberal but I misremembered it. - CorkScrew
Yup - "Wooly minded" - to imply slowness of thought as well as cushioned from reality, but fluffy is definately out there as an equivalent term.  I suppose it's reasonable on a page with this title, but the definition is sounding more than a leeetle bit biased :)  --Vitenka
In what way? I vote libdem and only write right-wing stuff if it'll trigger interesting discussions - CorkScrew
Text above could describe "Fluffy", but not, in general, "Liberal". "PessimisticConservative?" is a similarly biased stereotype. Not that there isn't some truth at the root of both.. ;) -MoonShadow
I'd say the associated stereotype is self-centred, cynical Conservative. Of course, these days the political parties have such similar policies that the stereotypes don't apply. - CorkScrew
I've just tried to wonder to myself how to define 'FluffyLiberal' without associating 'liberal' with 'wooly-minded' and drawn quite a blank.  It's intended to be a term with a pointed meaning, so defining it any other way won't work :)  --Vitenka

What opinions do everyone else see as fluffy?
Optimism.  That's what I'd say the fluffy bit boils down to.  If you base your philosophy on "things will go well and people can be trusted to act in everyone's best interests" then it's being fluffy.  --Vitenka
"Overoptimism" maybe. People aren't always antisocial, but you can't rely on it not happening. Personally, I blame story books ending wth "and they all lived happily ever after" for indoctrinating children early. - CorkScrew
Certainly likely to be a big part of the basis of it, yes.  Whether it is a bad thing or not, no idea.  --Vitenka

"Animals are people too" - Animals are not smaller, cute, immature humans.  People who assume they are, are not just optimistic, they are lacking in deep thought. --DR

"The Earth is our Friend." - gaia theory gone wrong.  inappropriate anthropomorphisation as a substitute for deeper understanding. --DR

Any belief that combines two or more of the following: crystal healing, homeopathy, coloured auras, chakras, reincarnation, lucid dreaming, astrology. --DR
Not necessarily fluffy - what matters is whether you're rigorous about it or not: "So you think you can astral project, huh? Well, project into the next room and tell me what card I'm holding up". - CorkScrew

Belief in a mystical 'countryside' in which life is simpler, better, easier and more comfortable. --Requiem
Good grief yes. People seem to forget that there was a reason why we moved into towns, and it was something to do with not having a ten--mile walk to the shops - CorkScrew
It's more the complete lack of understanding that the countryside is dirty, and has rats and wasps and cowpats and you just have to put up with the church bells at 9am on Sunday and the cockerel crowing at the dawn. --Requiem
Well, in Cambridge you get that last anyway, but I take your point. - CorkScrew

See [Niall Ferguson] where he comments on the different types of liberalism (ChiarkPerson's favourite bit: 'It is the habitual fantasy of many Americans that if the U.S. would just stop intervening abroad everybody in the world would enact the lyrics of John Lennon's "Imagine." History suggests otherwise.'
Excellent interiew. Must read more Atlantic articles. In particular, the linked articles on Zimbabwe are very interesting. - CorkScrew
Well, he's certainly not afraid to say what he thinks. - MoonShadow

SocialMatters, see also WhiteMiddleClassLiberalGuilt

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