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By Popular Demand, I present the Shadowmoor Card Name Generator. Just like the /LorwynCardNameGenerator it generates card names that could (or do) appear on Shadowmoor Cards. Thanks to WhitePhantom? from the MTG forums for the initial wordlist.

Click BNF: GigaClon/ShadowmoorCardNameGenerator for Names!

Notable Names

Shush to Plot
G/R x 7
Until End of Turn, All Spells and abilities are countered.
"The Boggarts have an instinctual dislike for plotting mages"

option ::= spaces = 0
option ::= debug = 0

bnf ::= root newline root newline root newline root newline root
root ::= one | two | three | four | five

One word names

one ::= mixedcompound

Two word names

two ::= twonoun | twoposs | twoadj | twoverb | tworace | twoplace
twonoun ::= wordgen " " wordgen
twoposs ::= noun "'s " wordgen | noun "'s " wordgen | noun "'s " wordgen | propername "'s " wordgen
twoadj ::= adjective " " wordgen
twoverb ::= wordgen " " verb2 "er" | verb2 "ing " wordgen | verb2 "ed " wordgen | wordgen " " verb2 "ing"
tworace ::= raceprefix " " wordgen | compound " " racesuffix
twoplace ::= placename " " wordgen

Three word names

three ::= threeof | threeof | threerare
threeof ::= wordgen " of " wordgen | wordgen " of " placename
threerare ::= adjective " " adjective " " wordgen | verb " the " wordgen | verb " with " compound | verb " to " verb

Four word names

four ::= noun " of the " racesuffix | wordgen " of the " racesuffix | wordgen " of the " wordgen | noun " from the " raceplural | root

Proper names

five ::= root | realfive | propernames
realfive ::= noun " of the " two | noun " of the " wordgen " and " wordgen
propernames ::= namecompound | propername ", " two | propername " the " wordgen | propername " of the " wordgen | propername ", " threeof | propername ", the " two
namecompound ::= propernames | propername " " compound

Misc utilities

newline ::= "
compound ::= mixedcompound | straightcompound
mixedcompound ::= firstcompound lastcompound
wordgen ::= noun | noun | compound


adjective ::= Aphotic | Armored | Biting | Blistering | Cerulean | Corrosive | Crimson | Devoted | Dire | Disturbing | Dramatic | Elemental | Enchanted | Everlasting | Macabre | Flourishing | Fracturing | Ghastly | Gleeful | Gnarled | Graven | Greater | Grim | Guttural | Hungry | Illuminated | Impromptu | Incremental | Inescapable | Stone | Juvenile | Last | Fire-Lit | Leechridden | Lurebound | Murderous | Mystic | Niveous | Old | Pale | Polluted | Prismatic |  Away | Raking | Reflecting | Resplendent | Redeemed | Roughshod | Runed | Sinking | Slinking | Spectral | Spiteful | Splitting | Bare | Sunken | Splitted | Above | Umbral | Vexing | Viridescent | Wicker | Wild | Wooded | Zealous

noun ::= Advice | Wisps | Apothecary | Initiate | Ascension | Cohort | Gouger | Liege | Augury | Adept | Blessing | Medic | Queen | Tether | Blight | Sickle | Dieflynn | Mentor | Fever | Infestation | Arsonists | Boon | Reflection | Trail | Cauldron | Souls | Cemetery | Puca | Witch | Wretch | Cremator | Crowd | Curse | Chains | Infusion | Titan | Revenge | Deus | Calamity | Druid | Din | Undercurrents | Plot | Entrance | Dream | Drove | Drowner | Dusk | Urchins | Mastery | Flask | Elsewhere | Ember | Gale | Duo | Evening | Torment | Swarm | Fate | Thicket | Fists | Flame | Javelin | Defenses | Flow | Ideas | Fossil | Foxfire | Oak | Gust | Fulminator | Mage | Fugue | Discovery | Glamer | Spinners | Sabotage | Feast | Effigy | Godhead | Awe | Moth | Cairns | Grief | Tyrant | Poppet | Response | Heap | Doll | Helm | Barghest | Horde | Spriggan | Folio | Raid | Brute | Infiltrator | Snare | Intimidator | Spawn | Jaws | Harpoonist | Kitchen | Finks | Rabble | Clique | Dragon | Invocation | Knight | Breath | Leech | Bonder | Swamp | Loch | Snapper | Mountain | Mana | Reflection | Medicine | Runner | Memory | Mercy | Killing | Midnight | Banshee | Mine | Excavation | Skulk | Plains | Island | Troll | Raiders | Redcap | Gate | Nurturer | Oracle | Nectars | Order | Servant | Wayfarer | Parapet | Watchers | Plague | Vermin | Well | Bonds | Power | Fire | Presence | Omen | Prison | Term | Mischief | Puncture | Bolt | Puppeteer | Pyre | Charger | Rage | Canopy | Dragoon | Reaper | King | Pool | Intruders | Horn | Rite | Consumption | River | Kelpie | Rider | Halo | Runes | Butcher | Elite | Sentry | Quest | Forest | Moment | Ritual | Mauraders | Scrappers | Shield | Ripper | Feeling | Smithereens | Kindler | Procession | Spell | Syphon | Visions | Headache | Steel | Ruins | Mass | Swans | Cutthroat | Bloodshed | Maniac | Thought | Gambit | Torpor | Dust | Torrent | Mist | Twilight | Shepherd | Mantle | Shusher | Wasp | Lancer | Wheel | Sun | Moon | Cavaliers | Raptor | Wurm | Bastion | Primus | Wound | Guardian | Poison | Dream | Renown | Inquisitor | Painter | Puca | River | Traitor | Howl | Korrigan

verb ::= Beseech | Burn | Consign | Dream | Corrupt | Salvage | Transfer | Find | Howl | Blight | Calcify | Plunder | Sluice | Poison | Put | Repel | Grasp | Savor | Scar | Smash | Smolder | Strip | Toil | Torture | Tower | Roar | Trip | Turn | Tyrannize | Swing | Rage | Snare | Syphon | Wound | Curse | Raid | Heap | Feast | Plot | Gouge | Tether | Infiltrate | Intimidate | Infest | Cremate | Flow | Watch | Charge | Reap | Intrude | Scrap | Rip | Kindle | Shush | Bite | Blister | Devote | Disturb | Enchant | Flourish | Fracture | Illuminate | Pollute | Rake | Reflect | Redeem | Rune | Sink | Slink | Split | Meander | Kill

verb2 ::= Beseech | Burn | Consign | Dream | Corrupt | Salvag | Transfer | Find | Howl | Blight | Calcifiy | Plunder | Sluic | Poison | Putt | Repel | Grasp | Savor | Scar | Smash | Smolder | Stripp | Toil | Tortur | Tower | Roar | Tripp | Turn | Tyranniz | Swing | Rag | Snar | Syphon | Wound | Curs | Raid | Heap | Feast | Plott | Goug | Tether | Infiltrat | Intimidat | Infest | Cremat | Flow | Watch | Charg | Reap | Intrud | Scrapp | Ripp | Kindl | Shush | Bit | Blister | Devot | Disturb | Enchant | Flourish | Fractur | Illuminat | Pollute | Rak | Reflect | Redeem | Run | Sink | Slink | Splitt | Meander | Kill

straightcompound ::= Æthertow | Barkshell | Blazethorn | Bloodmark | Blowfly | Boartusk | Ram-Gang | Chainbreaker | Cinderbones | Cinderhaze | Counterbore | Cultbrand | Cursecatcher | Dawnglow | Deepchannel | Deep-Slumber | Fireherd | Hexhunter | Emberstrike | Farhaven | Firespout | Furystoke | Ghastlord | Giantbaiting | Gloomlace | Gloomwidow | Goldenglow | Axeshark | Heartmender | Hollowborn | Hollowsage | Nightpack | Isleback | Shielddare | Knacksaw | Knollspine | Loamdragger | Lockjaw | Madblind | Manaforge | Manamorphose | Grimeblotter | Wavebreakers | Mirrorweave | Mistveil | Moonring | Morselhoarder | Mossbridge | Ghastbark | Gatewarden | Pili-Pala | Plumeveil | Prismwake | Puresight | Whiteclay | Rattleblaze | Reknit | Revelsong | Rune-Cervin | Rustrazor | Safewright | Sapseep | Scarscale | Scrapbasket | Scuttlemutt | Seedcradle | Silkbind | Somnomancer | Sootsmoke | Sootwalkers | Spawnwrithe | Spiteflame | Tatterkite | Thornwatch | Thoughtweft | Valleymaker | Rootcutters | Watchwing | Whimwader | Warcrawler | Wildslayer | Windbrisk | Wingrattle | Witherscale | Woeleecher | Woodfall | Worldpurge | Raidmother | Crabapple | Briarberry | Gloomwidow | Cragtreads | Auramancy

firstcompound ::= Æther | Bark | Blaze | Blood | Blow | Boar | Ram | Chain | Cinder | Counter | Cult | Curse | Dawn | Deep | Fire | Hex | Ember| Far | Fury | Ghast | Giant | Gloom | Golden | Axe | Heart | Hollow | Night | Isle | Shield | Knack | Knoll | Loam | Lock | Mad | Mana | Grime | Wave | Mirror | Mist | Moon | Morsel | Moss | Gate | Pili | Plume | Prism | Pure | White | Rattle | Re | Revel | Rune | Rust | Safe | Sap | Scar | Scrap | Scuttle | Seed | Silk | Somno | Soot | Spawn | Spite | Tatter | Thorn | Thought | Valley | Root | Watch | Whim | War | Wild | Wind | Wing | Wither | Woe | Wood | World | Raid | Crab | Briar | Gloom | Crag | Demi | Aura | Over

lastcompound ::= tow | shell | thorn | mark | fly | tusk | -Gang | breaker | bones | haze | bore | brand | catcher | glow | channel | -Slumber | herd | hunter | strike | haven | spout | stoke | lord | baiting | lace | widow | glow | shark | mender | born | sage | pack | back | dare | saw | spine | dragger | jaw | blind | forge | morphose | blotter | breakers | weave | veil | ring | hoarder | bridge | bark | warden | -Pala | wake | sight | clay | blaze | knit | song | -Cervin | razor | wright | seep | scale | basket | mutt | cradle | bind | mancer | smoke | walkers | writhe | flame | kite | watch | weft | maker | cutters | wing | wader | crawler | slayer | brisk | rattle | scale | leecher | fall | purge | mother | apple | berry | widow | treads | god | mancy | soul

propername ::= Oona | Rhys | Rosheen | Meanderer | Sygg | Wort | Gond

placename ::= Mistmeadow | Ballynock | Ashenmoor | Safehold | Wanderbrine | Tattermunge | Wilt-Leaf | Thistledown | Scuzzback | Mudbrawler | Kinscaer | "Glen Elendra" | Gravelgill | Inkfathom | Barrenton | Craggenwick | Kulrath | "Raven’s Run" | "Bryn Argoll"

raceprefix ::= Elvish | Treefolk | Merrow | Cinder | Giant | Kithkin | Faerie | Boggart | Scarecrow
racesuffix ::= raceplural | racesingular
raceplural ::= Elves | Treefolk | Merrow | Cinders | Giants | Kithkin | Fae | Boggarts | Scarecrows
racesingular ::= Elf | Treefolk | Merrow | Cinder | Giant | Kithkin | Faerie | Boggart | Scarecrow

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Last edited May 8, 2008 9:26 pm (viewing revision 14, which is the newest) (diff)