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Pronounced "maudlin", again much to the vexation of tourists.

Regarded as the most traditionalist of the colleges; famously the most recent to go mixed and much of the student body responded by wearing black armbands. Still has a horrendous male/female ratio (4:1 the last time I looked at any statistics).

It was about 2:1 in 2004, the year I graduated --StephenClark

The college grounds are rather strange - MagdaleneCollege does possess traditional Cambridge architecture, but also has what appears for all the world to be a 17th-century village wedged between the RiverCam and StJohnsCollege comprising part of its accommodation.

For MayBalls, guests are required to wear WhiteTie, to my understanding it means you have to dress posher than posh. -ColinLeung

[Magdalene College]


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Last edited March 29, 2005 2:27 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)