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In a place where most of one's peers are abnormal, anyone who's perfectly normal will by virtue of this fact be extremely unusual.

In the UniversityOfCambridge, for example, it's far more NormalToBeAbnormal.

This is (from reports for a friend of mine) actually evidenced in ExperimentalPsychology? practicals where results based on a class of CambridgeStudents give such wackily odd results (say 3 widely separated peaks) that they have to give out sheets of "typical answers" for the bulk population (a normal bell curve).  Cambridge is a very weird subset of the general population. --Jumlian

Different groups of people think of different groups of people as strange... for some reason there are a very large amount of 'groups' out there in Cambridge, leading to high level of strangeness. - ColinLeung

[On being sane in insane places]

todo: link to the half-dozen other pages on the subject, possibly merge

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Last edited December 17, 2003 9:29 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)