In the records room, Inric picks through the papers Anvar has left scattered over the desk. It is indeed a mess, although Colle has gathered most of the sheets together. He leafs through them, skim-reading - and stops. In Anvar's large, painstakingly messy handwriting, he reads:
11-14 - formed in 1470. 11&12 home support, 13 sent to Tor-Ayanath, 14 to Great Library
14th fyel included survivors from 9 and 10
Only ninth fyel assisted during first siege of Anvirin
Three survivors from ninth fyel who were also assigned to 14th fyel:
Thakasirayal An-Feoduthien, died at Kasith-Varouin in 1471
Korasithanar Eyn-Astarithien, wounded in the fighting at Anvirin ??
Arathinien An-Gelethen
The last name is underlined heavily. The implications are horrifying.
Within the hour, Inric is knocking on a door in the Seth-Varouin clanhold. Anvar's mother opens it, and stares in surprise to see him.