Maths & Computer Science. What a subject, eh?

Write to me about mathematical things... or don't.

Sigh. Yes, it's what I used to study.  Now I just do plain maths, which may be even more worrying. Why I decided to put in a page about it, I don't know. Probably as an excuse to include all these silly gifs of stuff vaguely relevant to bits of my course - the one before this paragraph could be connected to the "Numbers And Sets" lectures.

I registered with "Thor" last year, which is a UNIX box somewhere in central Cambridge which can do lots of fancy things. Like run Java, a language which I had a series of lectures on. So expect to be seeing all sorts of applets and useless things like that popping up on this page soon...

I can't think of anything more to write. My mind is being sucked into the Inter-Dimensional Thought Vortex (that's what Maths lectures do to you). This page's creation is ending...
So you haven't really got much choice but to go
Back to the homepage! 
See some classic quotes from my Maths and Computer Science lecturers!!  

See a very cool and very satirical page about Maths
(by an ex-Mathmo at Jesus college)
See a discourse on why the universe is a twos-complement system!
(by my wonderful CompSci Director of Studies, Alan Mycroft)

The Arthur Norman Fan Club!
(My even more wonderful CompSci lecturer - see a picture of him in Hawaiian shirt here

The Management wishes to apologize for the blatantly awful background to this page, which makes the text completely illegible; they would like to point out that this is probably an improvement.