Welcome into my little world... Please take a teacup,
I'll send you the bill later.
Do sit down. Have an armadillo.
you like a SMINT?
Right, then. This is Alex's own little private bubble
in the polluted sea of flotsam (but no jetsam) that is the World
Wide Web. A little about me follows...
I am, indeed, Alex Churchill, the world-renowned brain
surgeon, high-flying assassin and master liar.
What on earth could anyone want to know about me that
you haven't already picked up from the pseudo-surrealist introduction?
Quite a bit, you say?
Oh, all right then. But only because it's 32 degrees
in Provence.
The first thing I should tell you is that this website is very out of date. I've lost most of the images, and not updated most of the HTML pages for years. My interests etc have changed a bit in the past several years, but the pages on this, my website, haven't. If you want to see what I've been up to lately, come to ToothyWiki. You can check out my homepage there, see pages related to religion, board games, Magic: The Gathering, anime, webcomics, computer games, and all sorts of other things. I've usually modified some pages in any given 24 hours: click RecentChanges to see what.
After finishing four wonderful years studying Maths at Robinson College, Cambridge University, I now work for a rather cool company called The MathWorks Ltd. I've not done much to this website since I started work, although a major redesign may (or may not) be just around the corner. This means most of the stuff on here was created during my student days. As if it wasn't obvious...
I like to quote people. One of the principal purposes of this website is my quote collections. I have online quotes from:
In my spare time get up to all sorts of exciting things. No, really. Look, I'll prove it to you... I could say in brief: christianassassindiplomatmagicianoddsquadderlandmark persongamer
Or in slightly longer hand.....
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christian I have been a Christian for over three years now, and was baptised on the 7th of June 1998. Jesus is rather cool, really. My relationship with God is the most important thing in my life, and I've found a natural home in the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union. They're such a load of cool people - totally welcoming, non-discriminatory, outreach-minded, and also just really nice and fun guys!It's great fun (but with a serious point behind it). Rather like Mork & Mindy, really. |
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assassin I am also a member of the Assassins' Guild, which means you'll never catch me without a lightsabre somewhere about my person. And I may have other weapons...Here. I'm terminally stupid (or maybe just think fun's more important than assassinship), so I've collected all the information on the web that an assassin could possibly want to know about me, and put it all in one place... Non-assassins may find that page extremely amusing too, though! |
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diplomat I am a fully paid-up member of the Cambridge University Diplomacy Society, although I don't go along very often these days. They meet every Monday night to play this silly seven-player wargame where you move armies and fleets around, and make alliances and agreements and then break them and stab your allies in the back at the most profitable time. But it's all harmless fun.This site hosts the Cantabrigia Home Page!, a page devoted to my very own Diplomacy variant called Cantabrigia, set in (where else) Cambridge. It's somewhat frivolous, but I like it. And so do DipSoc, it seems. |
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magician I like to play a trading card game called Magic: The Gathering. The basic idea is that you collect yourself together a 'deck' of illustrated fantasy cards, ones that you think will work well together, and play your deck against one that your friend / opponent / girlfriend has built similarly. There's skill in both the building the deck and the playing of it.I've been playing Magic since May 2000, and did have a variety of about ten fun decks including a five-coloured "Sliver" deck, a mono-white 'protection from colour' deck, and a red-green-white Invasion-block deck of creatures called Kavu. But they all got lost/stolen on a train in February 2001: the majority of my collection was in it. Never mind. I've built up a more modest collection since then, with a mono-red Goblin theme deck (quite effective) and a blue-black Invasion control deck. I've only ever played casually, not really having the budget to play in constructed tournaments. I've always loved multicolour ideas, so was overjoyed at the recurring theme in Invasion and Planeshift. I love playing casually and would like to hear from you if you play Magic on any level (from just-Portal to tournament-winning) in either Bournemouth or Cambridge. External Magic links: well, you could try the official Wizards of the Coast site. I'm a bit shy of getting too into sites like The Dojo, but there's a lot there. There's useful reference info on Stephen D'Angelo's rules site. Angela is a fan of Magic: The Database, a Windows-only (grr) program that lets you maintain a database of your Magic collection and check rulings. I've created a set of Linux shell scripts that let me instantly look up rulings/info on any card by name, or search for, for example, all Rebels with casting cost 3 with 'Rebel.*(2W|1WW)'... Ahh, we like Linux :-) |
oddsquadder I have several groups of friends that I go to pubs / parties / sleepovers / London with. One of these groups goes by the name of the Odd Squad, and this site hosts a couple of pages about them: The Odd Squad Page is full of general surreality, and the first, second, third and fourth Odd Squad Quotes Pages are full of ridiculous things we've said. There's also the best pickings of the results of far too many games of Consequences, and two pages of photos (in Wales and all over the place). |
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landmark person I participated in a course called the Landmark Forum in September 1998. I didn't like it at first, but I've come to see the immense amount there is available to get out of it. I've completed five Landmark courses; I'm currently taking a bit of a break, but am likely to do more in the future, and would certainly recommend the courses to most of my friends. I've put together a page of what I think about Landmark (especially with regard to Christianity) here. Landmark's own website is here - and here's a brief overview of what the Forum's like. |
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gamer And I do play computer games. Yes, I do. At home I play Nintendo 64 games on the N64, that me and my brother saved up for and bought on import before it was out in the UK (we completed Mario 64 in a week). These days in Cambridge I've developed rather a taste for Squaresoft RPGs, originally on the SNES, lots of which my friend Serge has got. I'm also a big fan of Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy VIII, on the Playstation or PC. But the first Square RPG I played was Chrono Trigger, and it might still be the one that's most capable of plucking my heart-strings. (I like Chrono Trigger so much, that once upon a time I put together a page of pictures from it.)Games I've been a hyyuuuuge fan of at some point or other include:
Convinced you that I've got a life yet? Well, think again...
New stuff is being added to the website all the time.
Check the bottom of the Page
Index for the newest additions. It's not inconceivable that a "What's
New" page might appear at some point.
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Mail me, if your browser supports it! | (The Robinson College ones don't, you see. Cos we're stuck with Netscape 2.01 <bleugh>.) | I recently found out that we can actually email
from Netscape... I'd just had it set up wrong...
And they eventually installed Netscape 4 anyway. But I still prefer telnetting to Hermes for email. | Hermes being the central Cambridge mail computer. Just thought I ought to point that out. | And now I send email from the computer in my room anyway! Haha! | Except now I've got a job and don't use Hermes anyway... |
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I use
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