"If language is about imparting meaning, why do people spend
most of their time spouting utter nonsense?"
- Claire Bowern
This page contains quotes up to August 1999...
For the more recent surreal utterances, see the
and fourth pages!
See also Other Surreal Quotes Pages...
Identifying Quotes | Inexplicable Utterances | Misquotations | Innocent Quotes Out of Context |
Incriminating Evidence | Brickness | Spontaneous Wit |
Sleep patterns can be arranged
I'm good at talking
I don't do words
Quote me as saying I was misquoted
Everyone thinks I'm completely mad
It's so nice to be able to say SPAM! without people thinking you're strange
We do this to teach balance and coordination and bleurblelurgh
I do say real things sometimes
Has anyone noticed that girls never shut up?
I reserve the right to adjust the language as I see fit
hazel (blindfolded, touching pjs35): Who's that? -pjs35 (hopeful voice): A nice person...?
serge: Alex has a big red jellybaby
- emma: Alex has serious problems
- serge: He also has a big red jellybaby
I avoid thoughts at all costs
I'm Morag's sister so I have a right to be bizarre.
I don't whinge, I complain in a charming fashion
mpj23: Zoe is sufficiently scary that I'll shout if I
think it'll avoid her coming and being scary at me :)
sl236: What's even more worrying is when you're half-listening to someone
else's conversation and you suddenly overhear the phrase "edible telephone"...
aks27: Ask a more specific question than "Am I a fish?"
jjb37: These are non-specific people in a specific state of being connected with non-specific fish
gaec2: I did consider buying myself a fish to ride to lectures
akh22: Hey! Imagine detonating your own brain!
tkuq4: Hi Nick, I am geoff, as you can see from my name
pjs31: A cream chicken has been nesting on Jeremy's head
tseg2: I don't think I can provide a rigorous explanation for why I'm not a snail
tseg2: If I wasn't a human, I'd quite like to be a chicken
akh22: We should thank the trees
tseg2: My centre of gravity's in the wrong place
mag32: Stop saying tomorrow is today! I haven't been to sleep yet therefore it is still tomorrow
mnw21: That was Serge's mistake - he died. It's no fun if you die.
nre20: Do you have cereal with milk?
- tseg2: No, you eat it
elb30: I want to tootle off to infinity
- gaec2: *I* want to waggle so viciously I'm infinite
akh23: Try a *bloke*, Katie!
pjs31: *Can* you liquidise a parsnip?
akh22: Running out of sugar we can cope with, but if we're out of silly we've got real problems
akh23: August the 1st happens every month
hazel: We were overtaken on a motorboat by a Skoda
hazel: Nia and Serge are joint octopuses
psuvq: I can really see Jeremy as an amoeba
akh23: I want to eat some memory, I'm hungry!
ant (alex's brother): I'm asking you what button I press to be a zygote
akh23: Oops, I just ate all your Maltesers Alan
[And just how do you accidentally eat
an entire pack of Maltesers, Anne?! :) ]
pjs31: Are these people pregnant goldfish?
gaec2 (amazed): What, 3 people 6 hands?!
akh23: I don't know what it is with me and Hob-Nobs, but somehow the combination is remarkably funny
gaec2 (when looking for nre20): Oh there she is, she's hiding behind the Jaffa Cakes
gaec2: You're scrolling past the chocolate
gaec2 (to sl236, at 2:45am): There are leaves outside your door, Serge...
- sl236: Oh, you find all /sorts/ of things outside your door at 2:45am
kam34 (to sl236): You're really a Girl Guide, aren't you?
akh22: Wah, scary! People from underneath!
gaec2: I've got younger sisters of both genders
keb31: The light's not shining up my trousers enough
kam34: I don't know why, but I think I'm a horse
gaec2: I'd put my drawing pins on backwards for you
akh23: I lived to Cyprus time for a week... I was in Cyprus at the time though
sl236: I can't bounce, I'm sitting on an organic root vegetable
keb31: I think God loves Caius more than Jesus
[The weather was rainy for Jesus College May
Ball, and clear for Caius...]
jda33: [points at sl236] I've seen him before, but I can't remember what he looks like
lk212: Zoƫ can be quite subductive at times
jjb37: Is lunch soon? Because I'm ravishing...
hazel: Want to go through me again?
akh23: It's a shame boaties are a bit dumb, isn't it?
[akh22 enters room]
- gaec2: Raay! More females!
- [akh22 leaves room]
mag32: Brains give me headaches
tseg2: Who's Tamsyn?
mpj23: We shall fight the farces of dorkness
keb31: Quote me as saying I was misquoted
[So Katie gets the award for Miss Quoted '98...
mpj23 (about his brother): I'm drawing him a map so he can find Jesus
[Mike Jeggo, master evangelist and occasional
student at Jesus College Cambridge]
akh22: [puts hand up] I'll be ritually humiliated!
akh23: [walking in] I'm not dressed... it's really steamy in here!
mag32: I'm feeling really embarrassed now because I haven't got any clothes
mag32: Yes, Serge, you can have a poke if you like
keb31: Hey Jud, I can dress myself
akh23: Morag, that belly-button is far too tempting!
jmdp2: I'm going to formal hall before the carol service & I'll be trying to pull them all
gillian: I like reproduction
[She's a medic... nuff said]
kam34 (re the above quote): It was a hot and steamy session
keb31: The pool was like swimming in the sea, but with a slimy bottom
jmdp2: It was nothing sinister, he was just trying to kill me
[Assassins' Guild doesn't count as 'sinister'?]
djr36: I normally poke it with a fork
[Popcorn, apparently... best not to ask]
keb31: Sasha and Sveta are taking Genya's trousers down
[His hems were too short, so they had the sewing
machine out... Perfectly innocent...]
zcl21: I have three husbands...
[Purely for college mum / dad purposes, you understand]
gaec2: Anne got killed through association with me
mpj23: Are we permanently attached to each other, Jeremy?
[Asked about Mike and Morag, not Mike and Jeremy,
it just sounds that way]
gaec2 (to nre20): You're back on top
[Of the females on the Consequences
[laughs at Alex's screen... later, referring to the same thing]
Oh, you have to be a sad compsci to appreciate the joke in that
tseg2: So do rice and pasta come from the same plant, then?
lk212: I'll have to start going out with JAllister
gaec2: I always cause trouble wherever I go
psuvq: I don't need friends - I've got my books
pjs35: How many of Zoe's Davids are still alive?
mnw21: Are we going to do something about Phil?
- mag32: Yes, he's going to die
lk212: Oh, oh, I'm so stupid
becca: If you're a law student, why do you have a periodic table on your wall?
- lk212: To show I'm not sad really. Um...
gaec2 (puzzled): Why would the prawn joke be associated with Christians?
keb31: Brickness is catching
- mpj23: Oh, hadn't you noticed?
nre20: I did spend all last night with physicists and mathmos
- akh22: Why - social work?
akh23: Can you imagine Anna with parasites bigger than a hedgehog
on her?
-[gaec2 points at jjb37]
keb31: Does anyone possess a Phillip's screwdriver?
- mpj23: Phillip does...
mag32: Why am I a fish? Because I like swimming and I have a three second memory, what else could I be?
mpj23: The occasion was very slinky...
- gaec2: Why, was Jeremy there too?
gaec2 (to jjb37): Jeremy, you're a nutter!
- mpj23: Says *Alex*?!
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