The Second Page Of
"If language is about imparting meaning, why do people spend
most of their time spouting utter nonsense?"
- Claire Bowern
See also:
most recent at top
[W] = Worms quote, [D] = Defining (very characteristic) quote.
-*- lent term 2000 -*-
mpj23: You think you're getting a decent meal, but actually you're eating molten telephone wires.
[W] gaec2: Look at me, I'm wibbling on the end of a stick!
acr33 to mag32: I'll pull your tail!
- mag32: I wouldn't bother, it'll just fall off...
mag32: It's OK if you eat me really
acr33: I guess it'd be polite to eat a teabag, if someone served it to you
acr33: I'm scared walking around Cambridge in case Nagi's on his bike!
acr33: I know there is all these good reasons - DEATH - to wear a helmet...
[caption to photo 5 on film 4] acr33: I always work like this
akh22: There aren't many parables about edible churches
acr33: I accidentally drank a coffee on Sunday and didn't realise!
mpj23: Hey - a pirate punt! With a skull and crossbow flag on the pole!
mag32: I'm getting up at 9 - I have to go rescue my RNA
mpj23: That doesn't count as a pun, does it?
- mag32: No - I didn't groan
[caption to photo 24 on film 3] mpj23: I've suddenly gone all tired
acr33 to mpj23: You're cuboid forever on my website
acr33: Mike's fingers keep falling off
acr33: At the moment it sounds like I've got an obsession with body parts!
acr33: You'll have to reach your hand down the window and get it
mpj23: That's disturbing! I'm disturbed!
- acr33: We knew that.
acr33: I thought the blue checked shirt was part of Morag
akh23: I exist again
mpj23 to gaec2: We need to polymerise your hair
acr33: At this rate I'm going to be a big pot of honey
susan to gaec2: Hello, Tigger Number One!
- gaec2 to susan: Hello, Tigger Number Two!
jjb37: A beetroot with a broken leg
akh22: I'm trying to form an opinion on the facial growth
- jjb37: Alex! You've grown a face!
mnw21: Can you hold an elephant in the palm of your hand?
mnw21: I'll bash myself - I don't trust you!
gaec2: You get a bash on the head with a stuffed elephant, which can't be that bad
mpj23: No! There's no spam yet
acr33: She sells sick beans on the 3 4; the sick beans she sells are sea shells, I'm shore!
[wit] mpj23: There ought to be a degree in Complete Weirdness
- mag32: There is - it's called Maths!
sl236: The Snes isn't plugged in - I'd have to unplug the kettle
mag32 to helen: Has Angela been wandering round the house going "Ooh Ooh Ooh" at you randomly?
- helen (angela's sister) (cautiously): She... does a lot of things...
mag32: Doc-ers! Yay! *waves trainers in air* *looks at trainers in shock* Where'd my Doc-ers go?
acr33 to a plant: Hello. You're a bit spiky. Ha-ha!
acr33: My neighbours would murder me, and that'd be a terrible way to wake up in the morning
mag32: This is a sign of affection
- mpj23: What, squidging my nose?
mpj23: Caffeine is my catalyst!
mnw21: I've just been thinking. I think everyone in this room is capable of losing me
mag32: Most of my legs are bare
- gaec2: "Most of my legs"? How many have you got?!
mag32: ICBM? Inter-Continental Ballistic Morag!
mnw21: I'm not that unpredictable - I just kill people!
mnw21: I object to being fish-food!
mag32: My ears have gone wonky
jsn23: They're both asleep
- mpj23: Are we still talking about Morag's ears here?!
jsn23: I have found new affinity with a Farty Bean!
mag32: I always hate going into competition with people - it's so unfair on them!
acr33: I made a mess in your fields, Mike!
mag32 to jsn23: That's my boyfriend you're insulting!
- jsn23 to mag32 : That's my leg you're hitting!
jsn23 to gaec2: You sound like a skeleton!
jsn23 to gaec2: No offense, Alex, but you're ****ing ugly
mpj23: Do I want to wear this shoe? Nagi's been sitting on it
gaec2 to acr33: Cool! We're humans not motor-racing vehicles!
jsn23: If I had a microcam I'd shove it up my nose but unfortunately I don't...
mpj23: You could always try hoovering with the television, David
mag32: I'll write my name across your head. In purple. With sparkles. In unwashable ink...
dk242: If everyone in the world shaved their beards off there'd be no more people in the world with beards
jmdp2: ...the lowest form of life, which is of course me
[ mag32: Why won't you grow a beard? - mpj23: It'd look silly! - ]
- mag32: If you don't grow a beard I'll paint your head purple, and then you will look silly
nsg27: I can understand the toasters, elephants and microwaves, but I can't understand Zoë
gaec2: Oop - the station's moving again
nsg27: I wonder who the toilet's getting married to?
mag32 re alex's beard: It just looks like Alex with hair stuck on!
cmw36: What do statisticians do? - pjs35: Statistics!
-*- before term -*-
ant: That's right, I'm smuggling gerbils across London!
sl236: That's the only Tardis I've ever seen
gaec2: No mention of my nostrils is going on my phone!!
[ *sighs* -- Apart from that one... ]
acr33 re gaec2: He's got lovely nostrils
[ recorded against the will of the phone & phone-owner - hence the above ]
mag32 to gaec2: You're not a female, whatever you think you are!
mag32 to acr33: You're very good at bristling, for about 2 seconds - then you just crack up!
gaec2: Mike's looking through Serge
gillian to ant: I was just helping you with your democratic right to fall into the lake!
ant to tertius: Stop wallowing in self-pity and don't bash me round the head!
-*- millennium houseparty -*-
mag32: Do that and you'll find yourself on your front with a duvet tied round your head.
ant: My wallet's stealing money from me!
emily: Did they paint me purple because they were worshipping me?
- everyone else: Yes!
mag32: I'm afraid Serge that that's not going to happen, Serge, cause I can't draw a yeti
jjb37: Toasters! Elephants! Microwaves! Zoë!
jjb37: Hands up all those who want their stomachs looking at!
[wit] gaec2: I reckon banks have coin washing machines
- jjb37: That would be money laundering!
zcl21: You'll never let me near a wine bottle again.
jjb37: There's no point having an abstract garden [ - er, I mean discussion ]
ant: Bournemouth should be shot!
susan: I'm 5'4", I think
- ant: That's... not very tall. Well, compared to a pizza it's tall...
sl236: I'm not letting Nagi anywhere near my body!
mag32: I'd like to see if blokes really do keel over and die once a month
nre20 to mag32: Move up and you'll expand into the piano
mag32: Mike, don't snort in my ear!
- mpj23: Why, is there a better place you'd like me to?
ant: I have access to your feet
sl236: I'm really male - I'm only pretending
acr33: Do you realise every time I got out of my bed, it closes?
akh23: There's nothing wrong with the inside of my toes!
acr33: Power! - Well, brief power, anyway...
akh23: Me and Nia are going out
akh23: [pointing at Morag] Alan...
- mag32: Alan?
- akh23: Er, Morag, even
- mag32: Oh good, I didn't think I was called Alan.
mag32: You're welcome to attack me if you want to, although I'd rather you didn't
mpj23: We're a bit short on veg, because the broccoli has gone all horrible, hadn't it? - akh23: [jubilantly] YES!
lynette jeggo: So Tim was right to travel round France with his mother's bathroom scales, then?
mpj23 to mag32: You've been pulled into the pit from which there is no returning
- mag32: Oh well, I'd best go and do something else then!
gaec2: Yes, my feet can wiggle my ear
akh23 to mpj23: Carry on vibrating and mooing!
akh23: My room in college is terribly short-sighted
[wit] akh23: I don't like being thought of as a last resort
- mpj23: Now you know how Bognor feels!
acr33: It's probably Best not to Ask. With a capital B. And a capital A. And a full stop because I'm generous and don't let anyone tell you I'm not.
mag32: I think I've picked up eating habits from my guinea pigs
acr33: If I wanted to play I'd have come and tickled one of you
akh23: Mike's in danger of being killed [by Alan]
- aks27: But gently!
akh23: Alex is the Geneva Convention
mpj23: I've just put 8 mugs with milk in the dishwasher for 8 minutes.
- nsg27: We've replaced the detergent with whipped cream, and the powder with chocolate powder. Hopefully it'll work...
mpj23: [compassionate tone] I'm sorry, Nia, I'm going to have to kill Nick... - nre20: [brightly] Oh, that's OK!
will: Michael certainly knows how to raven when the occasion presents itself
aks27: Anne I think is not a computer
gaec2: [looking at tube being brandished at him] I've got a cardboard tu-- Ow!
akh23 re aks27: I was giving the directions, so he was under my complete commmand
nsg27: You can stick pizza in the dishwasher if you want it reheated
nsg27: Oh Alan, you're not getting toasted!
mag32: Somebody shoot [Mike]...
[nre20 points imaginary gun at mpj23]
- sl236: Aww, can somebody shoot me too?
sl236: I can sleep on anything - mag32: Including Mike!
mag32: You can get Nagi-ish females in woking market?!
mag32 to aks27: Why are you caressing my feet with your feet?!
- aks27: I was trying to steal your slipper, actually
acr33: I just saw a flying bar of chocolate...
gaec2 re sl236: He has a numerous amount of expressions involving her eyebrows
mag32: The girls' room is much harder to jump in on, mainly cos it's so much smaller
- sl236: Erm, [cough] -and it's got girls in...
gaec2: Shall we talk to Morag about sheep's tails?
acr33: Going to jail's good!
acr33: I consider myself an Englishman
akh23: If nobody dies soon I'll panic!
akh23: If you type the quote you might make me panic
acr33: Do I say "Baa" frequently?
mag32: I'm going to eat the Nobble, just to see what it tastes like
akh23: I don't know what sense is
akh23: Do you want me to come and point at you, Alex?
susan: Would you like to shake hands with a fork?
sl236: Sleeping in a fish has its plus points
- mag32: Oh? What are those then?
- sl236: Erm.. ahm... OK, no it doesn't!
acr33: Hi, I'm Angela, and this is my sheep
-*- the perfect woman (29.12.99) -*-
acr33: But if Susan's leg decides to walk, I've got no option
acr33: We don't want men's brains - they'd infect the whole thing!
acr33: We can discuss the brain at some point - it's not that important
sl236: Nagi cloning was banned by the Geneva Convention, wasn't it?
mag32: You can have Alex's legs!
- acr33: I don't want Alex's legs!
- mag32: Why, what's wrong with them?!
sl236: Are we making a man or a yeti here?
[D] sl236: No such thing as... enough computers...
acr33: Oh no! I forgot to say "herring"!
gaec2: He does seem to be somewhat immortal.
- ant: Albeit if on, er, 7 [of 100] health.
dad: Subtle candlelight is good for dinner, but not for murder
acr33 to gaec2: You don't bounce enough
ant: Apples are green. Therefore green is blue.
acr33 to ant: Do not wave dangerous Sellotape at my men
dad: This is an egalitarian household, we kill anybody
gaec2: Yay! A bubbly ear!
[W] acr33: But I'm a girl, and you shouldn't kill girls!
acr33: It woke me up, and I wasn't even asleep!
gaec2: Don't call him a green fluffy ant just after his kung-fu classes
acr33: Having your brother land on my head is not my idea of...
gaec2: How often do we get to bounce things off Freddie Mercury's nose? - acr33: Not often enough.
acr33: If my head falls off and rolls across the floor then I will not be impressed!
acr33: I didn't say "What if both my hands fell off?", I said, "Ooh dear! Both my hands fell off!"
mag32: You mind us clogging your inbox? Oh well, that's what they're there for... inboxes that is, not alexes... alexes are for bouncing
mag32: Hey! I can kick myself in the head!
gaec2: I seem to have spent the last 24 hours sellotaping stuff around you guys
mag32: I'm not very stable... mentally or physically
sl236: If you find a white cat in the morning - it's me!
mpj23: Tapdancing slowly on the spot keeps your pancake mixture from going lumpy? I'll bear that in mind in future
[D BAIT] sl236: I'm a member of BAIT - if it's not dodgy, I'll make it dodgy
[D] mag32: I'm not that good at getting up
mag32: You know you've watched too much animé when you look at your legs and think they're too short!
mag32: I think I'll get changed. - mpj23: I... don't think.
gaec2: star evil overlord nervous smile star
mpj23 to mag32: You're not washing your work?
mpj23: So are my feet in my mouth to soothe the pain of the bullet wounds?
sl236: Cute penguin!
- mpj23: Not so cute that you won't eat him, though.
- sl236: But that's what you do... with... cute... [trails off]
sl236: We need some coffee for the pancakes!
[D] mag32: I don't want to move. I've got a doodle on my mind
sl236: I'll stack up the four computers as a chair, sit in it, and play the trombone!
mag32: I'll come over and give your computer a hug any time, Serge
sl236: Is that Matt? - gaec2 & mpj23: It's the hedgehog!
gaec2: I am the world's Wine repository, it appears
mag32:It took me a very long time to grow into eggs.
- mnw21: I think you grow from eggs, not into them...
mag32: Hello food, my name's Morag, please to meet you!
mnw21: Ooh, me toe is... meanie... meleg... OOOooh!
jsn23: Let's rip Serge's pillow!
- sl236: I'd really rather you didn't.
- jsn23: Oh, OK. ...Let's rip Serge's pillow!
jsn23: What value is there in human life when there's cheese around?
acr33: I could only think banana, but that's because I was doing colour recognition not cheese recognition
jsn23: That's just the kind of thing I'd say. Which is really rather good, given that I said it...
mag32: You're obviously not compsci enough, Matt
sl236: [looks at daylight outside window at 7:40am] Shall we call it a night, then, people?
jsn23: Now, Serge, you will pay for your sins! [stabs own leg]
mpj23: Kicked out of my own bed...
- mag32: That's what girlfriends are for!
acr33: I can't see Serge, and I'm looking under all the tables...
gaec2: Wow! Vast hordes of squirrels!
mag32: Serge, where is your dribble?
mk270: I'm Martin Keegan, and you're not!
jsn23: It's been far too long since I've had a pint... last night,
come to think of it
mag32: If you want to wreck something, go outside and wreck the college
jsn23: There are people who don't like Maho? I'll slay them!
- acr33: But Alex might not want them slaying...
- jsn23: I'll do it lightly then!
mag32: I'm going to sit down and act normally now. ...
- acr33: Well, you managed the 'sit down' part...
- sl236: you were acting normally before you sat down ^.^
keb31: Not fair - victimisation!
- mpj23: What do you expect from me?
- keb31: *giggle* Far worse, actually...
gaec2: I've licked my mobile phone before.
akh22: Would you go swimming in strawberry jam? - jjb37: No.
- akh22: What if it was made with raspberry? - jjb37: Maybe...
gaec2: Do not blow soap bubbles on my curry!
mpj23: So do look at that hamster. I.
mpj23: We were interacting with them to the extent that we were ignoring them
mpj23: Where's the phone, Alex made a quote!
gaec2: Help, my girlfriend's scary!
jsn23 to sl236: If Satan himself came up and chopped your legs off, you'd say "Ahh, how cute..."
acr33: No, I'm afraid I'm not omnipotent. Sorry. It's one of the few characteristics I lack
acr33: Is it tomorrow or today? I can't remember
acr33: Don't kill Phil again, it's boring!
acr33: Oh dear, I don't want a pedantic shelf!
acr33: How does it feel to be 100% cotton?
acr33: Ooh, my head dented - me might need a new one
mag22: Watch me glue myself to my pyjamas...
gaec2: This is funky - it's a quilt with armholes!
acr33: Teeth... toilet... wibble... More fishy going on here...
jjb37: Have you redefined North, or redefined my room?
jjb37: It's all gone quiet. Who is it?
- rjh61: Anne.
- jjb37: It won't be quiet for long then
akh22: Why is it that Morag looks so sweet and smiley when she's saying "Kill! Kill!"?
acr33: Oh, thanks! I'm stuck in a dream without any food!
acr33. Who's been eating my house?
jjb37: The moral of the story is, don't eat your house!
- gaec2: Don't invite thousands of people over to eat your house!
djr36: Stop it, Zoë, we are not a spectator sport!
mnw21: "They're all mine"?
- mpj23: Jaffa cakes.
- mnw21: That explains everything.
mnw21: When you kill him, he's quite a friendly bloke
mnw21: Tickling is a good idea
[W] mnw21: I'm good at wasting sheep
[D sl236] mag32: Serge is too polite to leave a sock in someone's room
mdr29: *idly toying with one of the 4 lightsabres in the room, 3 hours after first seeing them* I'm not going to get one. I'm not going to get one...
acr33: I've been too ill to care about dying recently
mpj23: Mungojerrie's not a happy bunny - because he's a cat
mpj23: I can say "Hello" at all times of day
13-yr-old-bex to gaec2: You're like Susan except you're a girl
gaec2: I was in... somewhere... yellow submarine...
jjb37: Don't agree with me, you're meant to be on my side!
jsn23: Serge, there's a bug trying to get into your computer
gaec2: The romantic potential of worms is often underestimated
jsn23: I'll tear you shreds from shreds
[W] mpj23: I'm going to have to bite the biscuit and kill you
mag32: You know how they say that war is 90% waiting and 10% terror? Well the same is true of molecular biology
[W] mag32: I wouldn't call it on our own when there are two of each of us
sl236: Is there anything that's /not/ been done to that hedgehog? - acr33: *drops hedgehog*
jsn23: I spent all my time dismantling chickens
[D] sl236: Anyone want to do the coffee and cakes?
- acr33: *brightens up* I'll do the cakes!
jsn23: I probably drank it, but I can't remember!
ant: Walruses are renowned for making pockets bulge
acr33: I'm not impossible, I'm just square
[W] ant: I apologise for exploding on your head!
acr33: If you sit still for too long around here you grow ears and a tail
sl236: That's the beauty of Assassins - you're not paranoid, they really are out to get you!
jenny: Jedi Knights don't need coats.
- marian: Especially when they have organic vegetables.
mag32: I don't know what I'd have done if you were an assassin - thrown a Vienetta palette at you, probably
sl236: I have a sweet tooth - it's just I have a coffee tooth as well
[D] acr33: I can't be a lawyer, a compsci and a theologian!
- mag32 & gaec2: Yes you can!
- acr33: Not if I'm not good enough at any of them!!
acr33: Doesn't everybody have a square nose?
[W] acr33: Yes there's only one of me. Poor me!...?
jmdp2: I don't think there's anything we as a Biology group can offer to a CompSci
mag32 to gaec2: You're an adult - well, technically
pjs35: J? OJ? - jjb37: OJ! - mpj23: O, J!
gaec2: I've already lost it twice
gaec2 to sl236: You're losing your exoskeleton
sl236 to acr33: I haven't had a shower for two years
[W] gaec2: Check your bunge before you plunge
- mpj23: Or end up as a heap of gunge
mpj23: It's a brick.
- mag32: No, that's you.
- mpj23: No, I'm another brick. Even I can tell that.
jsn23: I have an urge to go to the bar... I need to buy some stamps
susan: I may not be ticklish, but I laugh too much anyway
akh23: Why is it scary that I'm student computer officer for New Hall? I don't kill computers that much...
mpj23: Serge, were you planning on life?
- sl236: No, I was planning on coffee
sl236 to jsn23: You're quoting Dennis Leary, only not quite, as that's not quite what he said...
sl236: You always get seaweed at the bottom of a DOS installation
mag32 to mpj23: Why don't you have a diary? - mpj23: I'd forget to write things in it *doh-ish grin*
awr25: Who says mathmos don't live in the real world?
- jsn23 & gaec2: We do!
[D jca24] mpj23: As if John [A] would refuse food!
- jca24: I think I did once, actually....
[D] sl236: [disappointed voice] It was weak espresso, and it was only a triple...
dhk20: It's not necessary to be Count Dracula to appreciate opera
random van-of-life goer: I love people who eat a lot
mag32 to gaec2: You're fuzzy, but you're not cute - not when you're winning!
mpj23 to mag32: Believe it or not, I don't just kill you for fun
mpj23: Massage does not usually reduce the thickness of the massagee by a third
sl236: Any idea why my kettle isn't working? - mpj23: Is it connected to your computer?!
mag32: Knife, anyone? I love chopping things... *manically* Nyee hee hee!
sl236: Have you never noticed what I do to forks with my teeth?
mag32: Ooh, I know what to put in my ears
tdb27: I'm in training to be a wooly mammoth
tdb27: Life is a three piece suite...
- gaec2: ...You never know when you might be attacked by the bears
-*- before term -*-
jca24: I broke into the marmalade
susan: Stop being mean to your cat
- ant: It's not being mean, it's decoration!
mag32: [being tickled] Help, Serge, I'm being tormented maliciously!
- sl236: You don't look tormented maliciously...
- mag32: You're not supposed to say that!!
gaec2: I've made an executive decision.
- mag32: Don't those require committees?
- mpj23: Or at least executives.
- gaec2: Ooh, you're right. I can bounce - does that help?
[D] mag32: Boing boing death
gaec2: I'm sure there are many planets in the universe where people have to build bridges...
- sl236: [finishing his sentence] ...From one person's back to another?
sl236: I'm not edible!
mag32: I think we're all fantastic... I think there's something I'm not about to say.
gaec2 to mnw21: You look like you're wearing a toga when we can't see what you're wearing
sl236: Anyone got any coffee? - Has nobody got any coffee? - Anybody got any coffee at all?
akh23: Alex, you're wonderful - gaec2: [thoughtfully] Yes!
gaec2: Wilberforce be with you ...?
sl236: Some people have a teddy bear; I have a large beanbag!
mnw21: This is going to be really unstable. ...Just like me! *manic grin*
mnw21: There are disadvantages to long hair... nobody can see your ears wiggle
akh23: Are you a walking carpet, Matthew?
[D] akh23: I'm audible wherever I go
gaec2: And if that makes any sense, then I'm... a dancing baboon.
- susan: I think it makes a tiny amount of sense.
- gaec2: Oh... dear. I must be... a dancing baboon then.
susan: I can't be clever then
sl236: Something almost but not entirely unlike a small dancing pot plant... like Nick on his bicycle.
sl236: Alex, would you like to make Susan an offer?
susan: It's just contact of Alex - scary
pjs35: What's the 36 times table like? - gaec2: It's red and pear-shaped!
gaec2: "What? I've fallen off the ceiling?" *shockedlook*
[W] nsg27: Plants like water... Not when there's nothing to ninja off, though!
gaec2: Please don't poke a lightsabre in my armpit
mnw21: Well, I thought "worms" after a sentence with Gardie's in it required a little explanation
[W] mnw21: Sorry about your worm... well in one way I am sorry - it means
I can't do it again >:-)
gaec2 to susan: Please don't throw my underwear into Robinson lake
susan (re one of gaec2's jokes): The ping was not worth pinging
[D nsg27] zcl21: There's always one... and it's usually you, Nick
-*- new forest cycling trip -*-
[D os] mag32: My goodness, we're a weird bunch, aren't we?
mpj23: You can do interesting things with roasts, can't you?
- his mum: Yes... I don't, normally, do I?
- mpj23: No...
mag32: I have been known to ask for weird things
zcl20 to mpj23: I'll come and jump on you in a while - and I didn't mean that in any dodgy manner
nre20: I've got a cushion phobia - because I was nearly killed by one
nsg27: Hi I'm Nick, and I'm a blender {...} I'm a noodle cos I'm skinny
mnw21: It would be logical. - mpj23: Except for the fact that it's not.
sl236: Sainsbury's Economy Pillows: like the coffee, they have a head on them
- nsg27: Thin, weak and have a head on them
mag32: I can make Serge wiggle
zcl21 to mpj23: I thought for you, a hint was the blatant answer
gaec2: I'm confused by the way I'm not female but I am male
-*- earlier -*-
jsn23: I was never a seamstress
jsn23: Kyri, will you be my hedgehog?
mpj23: star grin star
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