The Odd Squad Page


[vaguely to the tune of 10 green bottles]
10 green hamsters, running round a skoda
10 green hamsters, running round a skoda
and if their air supply, should become a screen-saver
there'd be 9 green hamsters running round a skoda

9 green hamsters with a diminishing air supply
9 green hamsters with a diminishing air supply
and if mike's LONG a-xe should plarstically deform
then serge would have a chance to commit necromancy.....

[further verse submissions welcome!]

In Cambridge there once was a Squad
Whom everyone thought rather odd
They played silly games
Called everyone names
And told jokes about Christian and Cod

See more limericks by akh22 and others here!


For general Oddsquad-related madness, check out:
(on this site)
    * The Consequences Page
    * Photos of the Odd Squad in Wales
    * -New!- Photos of the Odd Squad in assorted places
    * The Odd Squad Purity Test
    * [Updated] The Odd Squad Quotes Page
    * The Top 3 Strangest Emails I've Ever Received - not technically OddSquad, but a very similar style of humour
    * -New!- The Duel of Sir Chediceni and the Masked Man

(off-site - other Odd Squad pages)
* Mike Jeggo's page - with an utterly awful on-line jokes collection
* Jeremy Bickerstaffe's page - large amounts of entertaining stuff appear here...

Any contributions - quotes, songs, photos, elephants, nuclear submarines - gratefully received here...

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