The Odd Squad Purity Test

This test is in the style of The Purity Test or the many variants to be found on the Net. There are 100 questions: read through counting your yes/no answers. The number of No's you answer is your percentage purity in Odd Squad matters: so for example, I answered 82 Yes's and 18 No's, which means I'm 82% Odd-Squad-Impure (only 18% Pure). The style of question is deliberately meant to imitate that of the Purity Test, but nobody would be able to answer Yes to all questions.

There is currently no JavaScript or CGI-Bin automatic counter for your answers: www.robinson doesn't provide a cgi-bin script facility, and I don't know JavaScript well enough - feel free to email me if you want one and can tell me the JS commands required! So it's a case of manually reading and counting - sorry. It's not meant entirely seriously anyway... *cough*
Have fun!

The Odd Squad Purity Test

1: Were you an original (founder) member of the Odd Squad?
2: Are you currently a member?
3: Are you on any Oddsquad mailing list?
4: ..more than one?
5: ..more than two?
6: ..including the Drivel list?
7: Have you received more than 20 emails in one day?
8: ..more than 50?
9: ..more than 100?
10: Have you ever sent more than 20 emails in one day?
11: 3 hours?
12: 1 hour?
13: Have you introduced anyone to the Odd Squad?
14: ..more than one person?
15: ..more than 3 people?
16: Have you ever attended an Oddsquad face-to-face gathering?
17: ..and stayed past midnight?
18: ..1am?
19: ..sunrise?
20: Have you ever spent the night with another Oddsquad member?
21: ..more than one (in one night)?
22: ..more than three (in one night)?
23: Have you ever played Consequences with the Oddsquad?
24: ..had your name mentioned?
25: ..more than four times in one round?
26: ..more than once in the same consequence?
27: ..played it in a tent?
28: Do you know what Swedish Blondes means?
29: you know why?
30: Have you ever played Swedish Blondes with the Oddsquad?
31: ..made someone else laugh in a game of Swedish Blondes?
32: ..made Jeremy laugh in a game of Swedish Blondes?
33: ..more than once in a night?
34: ..asked a question that didn't make Anne laugh?
35: Do you know an Oddsquad catchphrase?
36: ..more than three?
37: ..more than 8?
38: Do you know the significance of lightsabres?
39: ..elarstic-plarstic deformations?
41: relation to hamsters?
42: ..nose lemonade?
43: ..flying sugar?
44: ..ceilidhs?
45: ..Alex at ceilidhs?
46: ..M&M's?
47: ..privates?
48: Have you ever organised an Oddsquad outing?
49: ..for ulterior motives?
50: ..did it go as planned?
51: ..did everyone enjoy it?
52: Have you located people by means of a lightsabre?
53: Have you ever been attacked by someone wielding a lightsabre?
54: Have you ever had a lightsabre duel?
55: public?
56: ..on a punt?
57: ..on a rooftop?
58: Have you ever received a jelly baby from Alex?
59: ..not of your favourite colour?
60: ..and requested your favourite by name?
61: ..using a calculator?
62: ..not during a lecture?
63: Have you ever played a game on a calculator?
64: Have you ever played Tank Wars?
65: Wales?
66: Do you get less than 6 hours sleep per night?
67: ..per week?
68: ..use coffee instead?
69: Do you know who is referred to by the nickname 'KrazyEmailBerserker'?
70: ..'J'?
71: ..'Cannon Fodder'?
72: ..'Kelpie'?
73: ..'Hologram'?
74: ..'Puma'?
75: ..'Patrician'?
76: ..'Trilobite'?
77: ..'Ali-en'?
78: ..'The Singing Nun'?
79: ..the Masked Man?
80: it you?
81: Have you ever heard the Prawn joke?
82: ..the squid joke?
83: ..and laughed at them?
84: Have you ever been given a Slinky?
85: ..jumped out of a plane with one?
86: ..without a parachute?
87: choice?
88: Is your computer powered by a hamster?
89: ..a hedgehog?
90: ..guinea pigs?
91: ..a dragon?
92: Does your computer have existential crises?
93: ..psychotherapy?
94: Do you know any of the Oddsquad couples?
95: separate individuals?
96: Do you belong to Sheila and her Dog?
97: ..the Assassins' Guild?
98: ..a mafia?
99: ..CICCU?
100: If you were trapped in a room with a diminishing air supply and a computer, would you think "oh no, it's this question again.."?
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