Landmark Education
What Is
'The Forum'?
My Participation
with Landmark
Landmark and
Alex Churchill as a possibility: I stand for the possibility of love for God,
love for every human being, authentic expression in all my relationships, and joy!


What Is 'The Forum'?

The Landmark Forum is a course which gives people breakthroughs in living life. Typically after doing the Forum, people will phone up their ex-wife who they've not spoken to for twenty years, or their mother who they telephone every two months and only chat about the weather, and have a real conversation - tell her they love her for the first time since age ten. People become more productive at work, start enjoying life more and living for what they really want to.

The Forum is run by a company called Landmark Education Corporation. I've done several Landmark courses (see below), and have greatly benefitted. For example, I started actually doing work at university, spotted ways of communicating I had that were inauthentic (even in my prayer life!) and manipulative, and said some things to friends that I'd been wanted to say for ages but had always bottled out of saying before - this has generated far more love and warmth in those relationships than was there before.

My Participation with Landmark

The Landmark Forum

September 1998
Leader: Jeff Willmore

Forum In Action

8 Oct '98 - 14 Jan '99
Debbie Marriot

Assisting on Forum

28 Jan - 2 Feb '99
David Sherman

Advanced Course

11 - 16 Feb '99
Leader: David Ure

Self-Expression and
Leadership Programme

27 Mar - 8 July '99
Paul Robinson
Access to Power

21 - 25 Aug '99
Performance and Power

16 Oct '99 (aborted)

I took part in a course called the Landmark Forum, in September 1998. I didn't like it. I perceived lots of incompatibilities with my faith in Jesus, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be changed by man anyway - that was God's job. Besides, I was sure God had sorted out all my relationships when I became a Christian, and there wasn't anything this course could do for me. ...Or in other words (although I obviously didn't think of it this way at the time), I was perfect! Obviously not a very tenable point of view... :-)

I didn't get much from the Forum, but grudgingly agreed to do the follow-up seminar series, the Forum In Action (free). On about seminar #4 or 5 (out of 10), I finally relented, admitting that in the same way as God can use doctors to heal people as well as supernatural faith healings, God could use this course to help me grow close to him as well as directly working in my mind. I had my first Landmark breakthrough: nothing huge, but I said some things to a friend that I hadn't been able to say in the time I'd known her so far.

I subsequently did the Advanced Course in February 1999, where I expressed myself as a possibility:

 I stand for the possibility of
LOVE for God,
LOVE for every human being,
in all my relationships,
and JOY!
The Advanced Course was very helpful for me in completing what the Forum started. Although I still hadn't resolved all my issues with the Landmark teaching (see below), I had some very interesting conversations with David Ure (the leader) about commitment to my studies, reality, evangelism, my hangup about singleness, and I'd say I definitely benefited from the course. He also pointed out the way Jesus Christ was a master of "enrollment", to use the Landmark term. I realised that if I wanted to become more like Jesus, and to be able to tell people about Him more effectively, an undeniably helpful way would be to take the next enrollment course: the Self-Expression and Leadership Programme.

I had very little hesitation in registering for the SELP, which ran from the 27th of March to the 6th of July; sure enough, I loved it - the SELP is still my favourite of the Landmark courses I've done. I learned several new techniques for self-expression, and enjoyed more training in powerfully showing people possibilities for their lives (for example, the possibility of freedom, forgiveness and a new life that Jesus brings). As a direct result of the SELP, I organised a Christian Union event, called Ignite the Passion. Its own website with more information can be found here.

Shortly afterwards, I did the Communication Course. I was amazed to realise how much I don't listen to people when I'm in a group, tuning them out and tuning in to my own thoughts instead. Since then I've been better able to spot myself doing this, and be 'present' more often in conversations.

Landmark and Christianity

The biggest source of difficulties with Landmark for me has undoubtedly been perceived clashes with my Christian faith. Some of the issues (or perceived issues) follow.
Issue Accuracy My thoughts
"Christians have nothing to gain
from doing the Forum"
On the contrary, there are vast amounts of things that Christians can learn from taking Landmark training.

It may be a trying time - you're forced to confront the real basis of what's underlying your life, whether your life is really as based on God as you claim it is, and how firm your faith is; but you can come out stronger in your faith afterwards, by starting to notice and get rid of some of the barriers that you put up yourself to stop God working in you.

I've started taking Jesus' principles and teachings considerably more seriously since doing Landmark courses - mostly because I've realised gradually more of the regions where I was skimping over them!

The idea of "we shouldn't let ourselves be 'changed' by man, only God has any business doing that" is a complete fallacy. If you believe that God can heal people physically by using doctors and hospitals, then equally He must be able to change our thought processes for the better using what we see and hear. (I know this won't be an issue for most Christians, but it was for me :o) )

You get progressively more and more insights into how you're coming across to other people - the things you're doing that can speak far louder than the words you're saying when you're trying to tell someone the Good News.

If you're open, you will discover benefits both in your personal life with God and in the way you relate to other people. In particular the Advanced Course and SELP are very largely concerned with "enrolling" people in ideas or possibilities for their own lives, which has obvious applications to the area of personal witness and evangelism.

"Landmark teaches principles that go against what Jesus taught"
In the large majority this assertion is completely false. Landmark teaching encourages the principles of generosity, love, authenticity, communication, standing by your word and meaning what you say, and actively caring for others.

However, in as far as the Forum encourages self-sufficiency (believing you can do anything whether God wills it or not) then yes, there is an obvious conflict. See the final question for more details.

"People who've done the Forum
are less likely to be receptive to Jesus"
There are several issues here.

The Forum encourages people to make the distinction between what is real (what actually happened) and their own interpretation of it. For us who know God exists, this has to be good news, as an awful lot of people in the world have inaccurate ideas about Christianity, Jesus and God, picked up during their past (maybe from bad experiences at Church or suchlike), which after doing the Forum they will realise are only their own interpretations. I've had several people in seminars and elsewhere say to me that since doing the Forum they've become open to the possibility of spirituality or God in their lives, and I've met one individual who went all the way and became a Christian after doing the Forum - "I couldn't keep up any of my objections to it any more..."

However, Landmark do teach that there is a way to fulfillment and satisfaction in life apart from a relationship with Jesus. They freely admit that they're only concerned with life before death, which from a Christian point of view seems short-sighted :-) ; but if someone is living the fully expressed and racket-free life that is possible after the Landmark curriculum, while they will be open to the possibility of Jesus if a Christian raises it, they won't be actively searching themself, but rather likely to be convinced that they've found the most fulfilling path there is.

"The Forum encourages people
to trust in their own efforts
rather than depend on God"
I can't deny this one. This is a serious conflict between the Forum and following Jesus, and so Christians going into the Forum should be aware that this will be raised. Landmark do say in every Forum that none of what they teach is true and not to 'believe' any of what's said. This is helpful to remember when confronted with this issue.


The Landmark official website is here:
* Home * Forum overview * Newspaper Article *
Other Landmark links:
* - an unofficial group of Landmark graduates on the web.
* The Tablet does the Forum - a review of the Forum from a Christian (Catholic) perspective.

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