Yes, I'm quite a big Jellybabies fan. You probably knew there were six different colours of Jellybaby - red, orange, yellow, green, pink and black. You maybe even knew that had different names. But did you know that they all play a different instrument in the Jellybabies band? Or that they have different personalities and skateboarding ability?

* I'm in the Paper!! *

I was interviewed about Jelly Babies for Varsity, the Cambridge student paper, in October... and they printed it! Here's a link to the on-line article - unfortunately it's all a bit dodgy until about half-way down... but check it out!
Jellybaby Profiles, Rhymes, and
the Favourite Jelly Baby Records
Favourite Eating Styles Official Jellybabies Jokes Jellybaby Links

It is now possible to ORDER any of the Jelly Baby'S online! All you have to do is find the secret jellybabies page where the form for you to Order your JB's is, and I'll send you a jellybaby - either electronically or through the post!

The secret jellybaby-ordering page isn't linked to anywhere (due to cheating) - instead you have to figure out the URL (the web location name) of the page. The clue is in the paragraph above...

(NB: It might take a few days for jellybabies to arrive postally if you're not in Robinson College, Cambridge, UK. But I will pay postage if you find the secret page!)

Current viewers' favourite Jellybabies
1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: Joint 4th place: 6th place: Joint 7th place:
Bigheart (35)
(jump to)
Brilliant (21)
(jump to)
Boofuls (18)
(jump to)
Bumper (13)
(jump to)
Bubbles (12)
(jump to)
Baby Bonny (10)
(jump to)
Brainache (1)
(jump to)
Blanco (1)
(jump to)
Here's a table of all six Jellybabies!

Baby Brilliant looking happy
Baby Brilliant (red)
Lead Guitar
Very proficient (usually seen handstanding on his skateboard)
He's the leader of the Bassett's Jelly Babies.
Brilliant is the leader
Of this bright and cheerful band.
He loves to play his blue guitar
To fans throughout the land.
Everybody knows the strawberry flavour of Baby Brilliant. Ostensibly he's the "leader" of the Jelly Babies, although Bubbles has real control over the rest of the group.
Tastes pretty 'brilliant' too.
Personal flavour rating: ****
Favourite of: Nathalie Davey, Fiona Dane, James Gillespie, Richard Tattersall, Matthew James, Kasha Freyer, Tanya Fox, Mark Houston-Robb, Catherine Denton, David Wood, Steven Kitson, Fran Sainsbury, Simon Hayes, Sarah Stocks, "Aviator", Gemma Rougier, John Tanner, Elise Jones, Alice Pritchard  (21)
If Brilliant is your favourite 'Baby,
mail me now!
Baby Bubbles smiling with her beads
Baby Bubbles (yellow)
Lead Vocals 
Good (does jumps frequently)
She's the extrovert and always playful.
Bubbles is a trendy babe
Who wears her beads with pride.
She loves to sing and dance around
And takes fame in her stride.
Bubbles is the extrovert of the group, with undisputed control over who does what. She's often seen hanging around with Baby Brilliant, and her audiences think she's one sexy babe...
NOOOO! It's not real!!! She's just a lump of sugar-covered gelatine!!!!!
...Lemon-flavoured, too. Quite nice, in fact.
Personal flavour rating: ***
Favourite of: Rebecca Heath, Sergei Lewis, Simon Cottrell, Maria Vorontsova, Chuan Tze Teo, Sam Larsden, Jo Beck, Rachel Sellers, Naomi Lafford, Mary-Ann Davies, Erin Bresnahan, Antony Churchill(12)
If Bubbles is your favourite 'Baby, mail me now!
Baby Boofuls crying
Baby Boofuls (green)
Cymbals / Double Bass
Not very good (but Bigheart consoles him)
He's never far from tears whether happy or sad.
Boofuls cries at all things sad,
Even when things aren't so bad.
When he's happy he boos and hoos,
In his favourite blue suede shoes.
Boofuls is often fought over when I bring out the Jellybabies bag, like Baby Bigheart. But I have to say, his flavour isn't really one of my most liked. But lots of people like him, so I like to get several per bag in order to be able to give everyone their favourite... 
It was recently brought to my attention that not only does Boofuls play the cymbals, he also plays the double bass (like my brother). Thanks, Rich "Boofuls" Barfield!
Flavour rating: **
Favourite of: Emma Burt, Anna Vaughan, Mike Jeggo, Marc Croom, Ruth Jenkins, Ipsita Roy, Lynnette Dray, Laurence Davies, Jo Stansfield, Jon Amery, John Wiseman, Robin Pharaoh, George Savva, Marie A, Stuart Q, Dan King, Andy Wilson, Peter Taylor, Rich Barfield (18)
If Boofuls is your favourite 'Baby, mail me now!
Baby Bigheart looking caring
Baby Bigheart (black)
(although gremlynn claims to have seen him on her windowledge showing her dog how to do a somersault with no hands)
He's the thoughtful and caring one.
Bigheart is the caring one,
His generosity's well known.
He always wears red trainers
And plays the saxophone.
Bigheart spends a lot of time with Baby Boofuls, with a compassionate hand on his shoulder and a "I'm there if you need me" look on his face.
Everyone always used to fight over "the black ones", long before we knew they were Baby Bigheart, the thoughtful and caring saxophonist of the Jellybabies band. But I have to say, I really don't like the flavour. Sorry.
Flavour rating:*
Favourite of: Katie Boulter, Jeremy Bickerstaffe, "Tsunami", David Murray, "Scully", Sarah Gilbertmoore, Matt Luscombe, Jamie Glister, Roberta Coulter, Alex Levin, Laura Bagley, Philippa Cross, Rosie Weston, Meg Gooch, Nagi, John Greenfield,  Helen Wood, Jack Rudd, Kathleen Mortimer, Kate Ryan, Penny Mclean, Katrani Davis, Alan Roberts, Lyndsey D'Souza, Sarah Crack, Jo Altham, Matt Palmer, gremlynn, James "Rubberduck" Gillespie, Corinne Anderson, Chris Reilly, Carole Greenbaugh, Sian James, Alex Cairns, David Gane (35)
If Bigheart's your favourite 'Baby, mail me now!
Baby Bumper standing upright for once
Baby Bumper (orange)
Instrument: Drums 
You're joking - he's far too clumsy
He's so mischievous and ever so clumsy.
Bumper bounces from here to there,
Knocking things over everywhere.
He loves to play bongos and drums,
Especially those big soft jelly ones.
Bumper recently regained his position as my favourite Jelly Baby from Baby Brilliant. He's the main drummer, although three of the 'Babies are percussionists of one form or another (half the band!) 
Flavour rating: *****
Favourite of: Eleanor Gray, Morag Gray, Nia Early, Milt Mavrikakis, Mark Snellgrove, Jamian Weklauser, Rowan Carreira, Tom Gill, Richard Wareham, Kerith Wyllie, Andrew Thayer, Tristan Mills, me!  (12)
If Bumper's your favourite 'Baby, mail me now!
Baby Bonny on all fours
Baby Bonny (pink)
Instrument: Tambourine 
Too young - she's still on all fours for goodness' sake!
She's the youngest and always crawling into trouble.
Baby Bonny is the youngest,
Still crawling on all fours.
She likes to play the tambourine
And loves the loud applause.
Baby Bonny used indeed to be still crawling on all fours; but not in the new, less characteristic poses... She's learnt to sit up now, it appears. She's still the icklest and cutest though.
Flavour rating: ****
Favourite of: Ali Green, Kate Stanton, Hazel Bickerstaffe, Rhian Deakin, Philip Firman, Keiko, Adam Baylis, Laura Turner, Leslie Godsil, Annabel Sadler  (10)
If Baby Bonny's your favourite 'Baby, mail me now!
Baby Brainache (blue)
Doesn't exist But James Nott selected her as his favourite 'Baby anyway. So she got an entry here. (1)
Baby Blanco (white)
Also doesn't exist But Anna Foster (a vegetarian, to be fair) was inspired by James' antics to vote for "the white one". Can we stick to votes for jellybabies that actually exist, now, folks, please?! (1)

Favourite Styles of Eating Jellybabies
How Do You Eat Yours?

Some people always bite the heads off first. Some people will deliberately agonise the 'Baby by biting its face off. Some people only eat them in the wintertime. So  email me and let me know: How Do You Eat Yours?
Style of Eating Real-Life Example Adherents
Bite the head off <sadly lacking> Fran Sainsbury, Sarah Crack, Philip Firman, Hazel Bickerstaffe
Torture Bite the legs and arms off, then the ears and nose - leave the eyes so that it can see the torture all the way through Meg Gooch
Seasonally dependent Only eat them in winter Olivia Horsefall Turner
Sacrifice Quite simply, we sacrifice them. Well, it's not actually so simple but anyway... First we bite their head off (and eat it...what else do you think we'd do?) then we draw a cross over the neck stump. Finally we eat the body. However, if we are holding a formal ritual, it is a little more complicated... Erica and Jacqueline
Nibble a bit at a time I nibble the tiny, tiny nose and then the right 'leg' - after which the toes on the left 'leg'       Yummy.... Miles Lallemant, me!
I would add that my version of this style starts with the sugared coating round the outside, only reaching the actual jelly once all (or at least three-quarters) of the hard sugary bit has gone...
All in one go All in one go- I pop it into my mouth, suck its juices for a while, then grind it between my teeth so that bits get stuck in my molars for later enjoyment, then I let the remainder slither gently down my throat rather like honey. An anonymous friend
Bite them in half You experience the texture of the jellybaby in the first bite, suck some juice out to enjoy the flavour, then swallow! Then the second half you can do the same or simply munch it... yum, yum! Rebecca Heath, Jenny Green
Eat them whole Anne Harrison, "Aviator"


Jellybabies Jokes

OFFICIAL! Every one of these jokes is an official JB joke, from one Jellybabies packet or another. So don't blame me for their really quite awful sense of humour, because I didn't make them up.
What's Brilliant's favourite ride? The jelly-go-round!
What happened when Bumper jumped into the swimming pool? He did a jelly-flop!
Who does Brilliant want to work for when he's older? British Jellycom!
Where can you see the Jelly Babies? On the jellyvision!
What do you call a Jelly Baby from outer space? An extra-jell-estrial!
What did Brilliant use to blow up a tree? Jellygnite!

Jellybabies Links

England Face Jelly Baby Onslaught - Professional cricketers eat Jellybabies!
The Hensenism Homepage - A disturbing cult based around the sacrifice of jellybabies and writing silly stories. However, if you can put your religious sensitivities aside it's a very entertaining read.
Free the Jelly Babies! - Distressing news for all jelly fans
How It Started - did you know they've been around for 75 years, and were originally called Peace Babies?!
Jelly Babies - A Confectionery - the listing in the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Able Industries' Jelly Babies Container - They've created a JB jar shaped like Baby Brilliant!
"Would you like a Jelly Baby?" - Tom Baker's infamous Dr Who quote.

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