This page has been shamelessly filched from Oxford University Diplomacy Society.
But they didn't have the colours or the unit positions.

    An alternative to the more common ASCII map, with the advantage of
fitting onto one page :)
    * denotes supply centre. The colour of the * indicates the owning power (the
last power to have a unit in that centre at the end of an Autumn turn) - note
that this is not necessarily the same as the unit currently occupying the centre.
    Regions with ...s are water. Regions are adjacent if and only if they
share a - or | on their borders: so Wal is adjacent to Yor, but Lpl is not
adjacent to Lon.
    Units are shown as you would expect: "RUS A" = Russian Army, 
"ENG F" = English Fleet, etc. "aus a" is a dislodged Austrian Army.
    The abbreviations are British; if you don't like them, change them. In
particular, GCHQ (Switzerland) is a British joke; perhaps PENT (agon) would fit
better for those on the other side of the Atlantic. :)
    Gary Duke. (; 
    modified by Alex Churchill (
GAME JABBERWOCK: Position as in Autumn 1910
(No modifications possible until 8th January)
(View a better map (GIF,52k))
|..........| Cly |  *  |---------+-----------+---------------+---------------+
|..........|     | Edi |.........|  *                        |   nc          |
|...NAO....|-----|     |.........| Nwy +-------+-------------|               |
|..ENG F...|   |-----|.........|RUS F|       |     Fin     |               |
|..........| Lpl |     |.........|     |   *   |             |       *       |
|..+-------|     | Yor |...NTH...|-----|  Swe  |-------------|      StP      |
|..|.......|-----|ENG A|.........|.SKA.|       |.....GOB.....|               |
|..|.......|     |-----|..ENG F..|.....|       |.............|sc             |
|..|..IRI..| Wal |* Lon|.........+---+-+---+---+----------+--+--+------------|
|..|.......|     |ITA F|.............|     |..............|     |            |
|..|...+---+-----+-----|.....+-------|  *  |.....BAL......|     |            |
|..|...|......ECH......|.....|..HEL..| Den |..............| Lvn |            |
|..|...|...............|.....|.RUS F.|     |..............|RUS A|            |
|--+---+-+-----+-----+-+---+-+-----+-+-----+-+-----+------|     |            |
|........|* Bre| Pic |* Bel| * Hol |    *    |  *  |      |     |            |
|........|ITA F|     |ITA A| ENG A |   Kie   | Ber | Pru  |-----|            |
|........|  +--+--+--+--+--+-------|  RUS A  |RUS A|      |     |            |
|........|  |* Par|     |   Ruh    |---------+-+---+------|  *  |            |
|........|--|     |     |  ITA A   |           |          | War |      *     |
|........|  +--+--+ Bur +-------+--+   *       |   Sil    |     |     Mos    |
|..MAO...|     |   ITA A        |     Mun      |          |     |    TUR A   |
|........| Gas |------------######   RUS A     |-------+--+--+--+------+     |
|........|     |   * Mar    #GCHQ#             |  Boh  |     |         |     |
|........|     |            ######-------------| TUR A |     |         |     |
|....+-nc+-----+-+-----+----+    |             |       |     |         |     |
|....|           |.....|   Pie   +----+  Tyo   |-------|     |         |     |
|....|-----+  *  |.....|              | ITA A  |   *   |     |         |     |
|....|* Por| Spa |.....|-----+--------|        |  Vie  | Gal |   Ukr   |     |
|....|     |     |.GOL.|     |        |--------| TUR A |     |         |     |
|....|-----+     |.....|     |        |        |       |TUR A|         |     |
|....|           |.....|     |   *    |    *   +-+-----|     |         |     |
|....|------sc---|.....| Tus |  Ven   |   Tri    |* Bud|     |         |     |
|....|...........|.....|     | ITA A  |  ITA F   |TUR A|     |         |     |
|....|...........|-----|     |        |          |     |     |         |     |
|....|....WME....|.....|     |     +--+--+-----+-+---+-+-----|         |     |
|....|...........|.....|-----|     |.ADR.|     |     |       |---------+-----|
|....|...ITA F...|.....|     |     |.....| Alb |  *  |   *   |    * Sev      |
|....|...........|.TYS.|  *  |-----|.....|ITA F| Ser |  Rum  |    TUR A      |
|....|...........|.....| Rom |     |-----|     |     |       |-----------+---|
|....|...........|.....|     |     |.....|-----|     |       |....BLA....|   |
|....|...........|.....|     |     |.....|     |-----+-------|...........|   |
|....|...........|.....|-----| Apu |.....|  *  |           ec|...........|Arm|
|....|...........|.....|  |     |.....| Gre |   * Bul     |-----+-----|   |
|....|...........|.....| Nap |     |.....|TUR F|   TUR A     |* Con|* Ank|   |
|....|...........|.....|ITA F|     |.....|     |-----sc------|TUR F|     |   |
|....|...........|.....|-----+-----+.....|-----+...AEG.......|-----+-----|   |
|....|...........|.....|.................|........TUR F......|   * Smy   |   |
|----+-------+---+-----|.......ION.......|-------------------|           |   |
|    NAf     |    *    |......ITA F......|...................|-----------+---+
|            |   Tun   |.................|........EME........|      Syr      |
|            |         |.................|.......TUR F.......|               |
Austria England France Germany Italy Russia Turkey
0 4 1 0 12 6 11
SC count    Austria    England    France    Germany    Italy    Russia    Turkey

(Spr01)        3          3         3          3         3        4         3
 Spr02         5          3         5          5         4        6         4
 Spr03         4          5         4          4         5        7         5
 Spr04         3          4         3          4         7        8         5
 Spr05         1          5         3          2         6        9         8
 Spr06         0          ?         ?          0         ?        ?         ?
 Spr07                    ?         ?                    ?        ?         ?
 Spr08                    5         3                    8        9         9
 Spr09                    6         1                   10        7        10
 Spr10                    4         1                   12        6        11
(aut10)                   4         0                   11        8        11

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