When I see the sky in radiance at sunset
Or when I fly over the mountains in the quiet still air I think of you Of how I would love you to be here with me How you would love to be here with me When I am alone and lonely When there is no-one who understands I think of you And how much I would like you there By my side When we are apart it feels like something is missing I long to be with you To touch you To kiss you To feel your love and hear your voice I love you Your eyes Your smile I love your sense of humour Your laughter makes me laugh too I love you You could expect to be the most important thing in my life But you understand why you are not And that is the most precious thing of all You know God You love Him And even though we may part In death In life By distance great or small For ever or for a day I know we will meet again And we shall spend eternity praising our God Through whom all was made that has been made By whose grace we may know Him And by whose grace I may love you Without fear of death Or feelings of guilt And I do love you Oh God who has given us this precious gift Thank You for Your grace Thank You for Your love Without which we could not love Without which our lives would be empty Without which we would have no joy No happiness No fulfilment No knowledge of You Thank You ![]()